Hey, I just clicked on a facebook ad for this
It looks like a cute site for a younger kid.
Hey, I just clicked on a facebook ad for this
It looks like a cute site for a younger kid.
aahahahahahha. i had to laugh. i saw "kids with C" and thought "WTF?!" then realized it was just a mistake. phew *wipes sweat*... glad to know i don't have any illegitimate kiddos running around i didn't know about...
C is lying, ya'll. If you actually visit that website, you'll see a whole bunch of pictures of C running around with our kids. Which we had together. It wasn't a typo at all.
haha. i'm the next michelle duggar.
I learn something new every day...
[quote user="C"]
haha. i'm the next michelle duggar.
I'd go with OctoMom. Then you could get weird plastic surgery too!!
Wow. :-O
They can't be your kids with C. Everyone knows that C is having my kids. She and I both butt cheeks each other to much for her to have cheated on me.
Wow!! The visuals this thread is creating are great. I'm picturing little Stitch's running around with spikey yellow hair. :-D
[quote user="Brian Q."]
Wow. :-O
They can't be your kids with C. Everyone knows that C is having my kids. She and I both butt cheeks each other to much for her to have cheated on me.
we can move into a polygamist community where i will have multiple husbands with many men. this sounds like a lot more fun for you guys than me.
i can butt cheeks both of you equally. :op
I ain't gonna say a word!!! How come we don't have smilies on Juve? I need a blushing smiley big time!!!
I love the Stitch imagery. It kills me. And I am sorry there can be no polygamy. That is illegal, and I don't share with anyone.
Richard, you should know better than to wander into any conversation that I have gotten my hands on. Most likely I will tastefully make anyone blush. It's my job.
[quote user="Brian Q."]
I love the Stitch imagery. It kills me. And I am sorry there can be no polygamy. That is illegal, and I don't share with anyone.
speeding is illegal too, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying it every now and then ;o)