Just Joined

Hi my name is Natalie.

My son Griffin was diagnosed in August 08 ( 10yrs old at the time).  Since then he seems to have caught every bug,cold ,and flu out there. He has missed   sooo much school! He is home more often than not. He seems to be doing well now and has just finished his full week of school since diagnosis! I think the tamiflu helped alot. I have spent the last hour reading the discussions in this group and it is so comforting to know that other people speak the same language (With the exception of the fact that I am canadian and we do not measure glucose readings the same way). I look forward to chatting with all of you as we cope with this together.


Welcome, Natalie. I think you will find that this site offers a lot of support just when you need it. So, come here often and just check in -- I have learned so much by just reading other posts. Hang in there!


Hi Natalie,

It's great to have you as part of our parents' group here on Juvenation. I love hearing from folks in the great white north - there's a lot of promising research going on up there. After all, the Edmonton protocol originated in Canada. I'm glad you were able to get the Tamiflu for your son with the nasty flu getting about. I hope he's able to fight all those other bugs as he gets older.


Hi Natalie

Welcome to Juvenation. I have read your post and I wanted to let you I have been where you are this year. My son (age 14) was diagnosed on April 11, 2009. He has also been sick with the flu, colds, H1N1 virus (he got that at diabetes camp). My son has missed lots of school due to doctors appointments and the aforementioned flu's etc.  He grades have slipped early on but are rebounding now that things are stabilizing a bit.

I have requsted your friendship and hope you accept. You are not alone. If I remember correctly, and not everyone is the same - things wil/ start to get a bit stressful at this point. No nothing to get crazy about. You and I have been thru more than most parents experience in a year or two with diabetes. In addition, my son is a boy scout so he went camping for a week about a week after he was diagnosed so that shook us up.

Bottom line - I believe that if you go thru this early it is smoother coasting ahead. I remember in the hospital the nurses talking about the flu and how to prepare and how the body reacts. We we have made it thru that part.

eAS fo the part where I mentioned things will start to get a bit stressful let me elaborate. Usually things (o.k. out side of the flu etc) go pretty smoothly because of the honeymoon period. You son was brave and eager to give himself shots. it was unique and you admired his bravery. Well, after a few months the novelty wears off. The testing gets old, the anger starts in about having diabetes, the blood levels can flucuate and he gets tired of going to the nurses office.  You may have experienced some of that now.  As organized as you are you might be going thru some "find the meter stress". He might have gotten comfortable with shots and takes his meter and pen somewhere and forgets where he puts it.  You may have a different one in the car, the logs get old etc. He may be getting independent and want to do it himself but really doesn't do it. My son was eating and not giving himself shots because he was just fed up with it. We had to take control back.

I mention all of this because every parent has gone thru it. When things settle in and flu season is over etc things will calm down. You will start thinking of the pump. The terminology will start to make sense a bit more. You will be able to explain to those that have no idea of what Type 1 diabetes is or those who think it is like type 2 - what the difference. You will explain the autoimmune system, beta cells, A1C's,. Seven months ago it was greek to me.

This site is great - visit it often. Ask every question you can think of or just vent. We are all good listeners.


Hi Natalie

Just noticed that your son was diagnosed in 08 and not 09. You have already been there.