I've known for a week now

This is the first diabetic site I've joined. I'm 19, & in college. I found out last Saturday night/ Sunday morning I have type 1. I'd kinda expected it but it was still a shock. I'd been peeing a lot at night & my vision had changed. I didn't think anything of it, but I was talking to a family friend & she told me to check my blood sugar. So that next day I took an A1c & sent it in. A few days later I got the results, an 8.7 & then I was told to buy one of the disposable monitors & my blood sugar was in the high 400s. So I finally gave in & went to the er that night. They admitted me & it was my first hospital stay. I was several hours away from my parents & my dad was also in a different hospital with blood clots. So I only had a cousin with me. I stayed in till Monday.
The adjustment hasn't really been that hard on me. I give myself four shots a day, 3 of humalog & 1 of lantus. The hardest part has been eating. I hadn't ever been one to eat 3 meals a day but now I am, & yet I'm constantly hungry. I'm doing good though with everything.
Anyway I just wanted to tell yall my story & say hi! (:

Welcome to Juvenation!  I'm sorry about your diagnosis, but it's good that you have been doing okay.  If you have any questions/need support there is a great community here willing to help you.  Everyone has with tough days, but try not to be hard on yourself when things don't go as you wanted them to.  We are all in the same boat, and we are here to help each other out!  It's great to have you here! :)  

Hello, and welcome! I know the diagnosis is very upsetting at first, and it takes a lot of work and patience to get good control. You already seem to be doing very well, and you are here where many experienced type 1 diabetics can help. I have been type 1 for 65 years, and am very healthy. With good control you can have a long, healthy life. Good luck to you in the months ahead!


Welcome to Juvenation sdnash91 !

welcome to juvenation! please let us know if you have questions.  you can do this! :)

Welcome!  My 16 year old daughter has Type 1.  It's not fair is it :(   It sounds like you're getting into the groove a bit!  I hope I see more posts of yours and that you check in often.  Stay strong...remember that it's a marathon, not a sprint, and that you can do it!!!  You are not alone...there are support groups out there, hopefully a good one in your community.

And please call your mother a LOT and give her hugs at every opportunity!!!  I promise you she is thinking about you right this very minute and is prayng for you!!  I'm not even your mom and I am!

much love and Xxxxxs & Ooooos


Welcome to the site.  I know exactly how you feel.  I'm 20 and in college and I was diagnosed just over 2 months ago so I know how you feel.  My parents actually made me withdraw for the semester to get everything figured out and under control.  It took a little time to adjust but honestly, it just feels normal now.  I mean, they say it takes 27 days to make a new routine a habit so I guess I'm just used to everything now.  The most important thing we all need in the beginning is a really strong support system and for me, it was really hard for me to find it at home because nobody understood what I was going through.  Even my endo and my diabetes educator don't really understand-there is a huge difference between learning about type one from reading about it or actually being type 1 and living it.  This is a great place to find advice from people who actually know what it's like to be type 1 and how to deal with it and everything.  Just weeks ago I was in the same boat you are so if you have any questions about the beginning, feel free to ask!   

Welcome to Juvenation! Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. If you have questions just let us know. I was also diagnosed in college. It can be hard at times, but keep up the positive attitude and you should do fine.

Welcome to the site, use the new diagnosis to live your life to the fullest. 


Hey SD, I'm glad you found Juvenation.  I was diagnosed less than a year ago and this place has been an AWESOME resource.

The food is the toughest part for me too.  You commented that you're always hungry.  Here are two little pointers based on my early experience:

You can eat carbs more than three times a day.  From the start, I also had a snack containing around 15 carbs in the evening, not long before bed.  I took insulin with it, though I rounded down and took only one unit. (whereas I'd otherwise take two for that level of carbs).  You can eat snacks in between meals too, though you'll find that a little easier to handle after you're more used to the "normal" three meal routine.  In fact, later on, you can more or less eat what you want when you want.  But at the beginning, they want you to follow a "normal" meal plan partly so that you and your medical team can learn how your body reacts to insulin food, exercise, etc.

My other tip is that you should find some favorite carb-free or very low-carb snacks that you have around when you just want to nosh.  A few examples I took advantage of are low fat cheese, turkey pepperoni, rolled up cold cuts, and almonds.  Almonds are slightly carbier than the other items I listed, but I could eat a handful without it affecting much.

Adjusting to this disease involves a lot of structure in the beginning, but it won't always have to be so strict.  It gets even easier to eat as you prefer if you decide to use an insulin pump later on.

Welcome!  I know it is so new right now, but you will find a rhythm!  Ask your endo about always being hungry...is it that you aren't getting enough to eat, or now that your body is feeling better it is just famished all the time?  If you feel like you need more food...it means more shots, but you can eat!  Good luck to you on your journey!

It's too soon now, but after a few months check into insulin pumps.  They allow you great flexibility to eat when and what you want.  I haven't eaten a special meal plan in 20 years or more. 

This link has a bunch of diabetes books.  Might be something there that will help you.  http://www.childrenwithdiabetes.com/d_06_b00.htm

I wouldn't wish diabetes on anyone, but I do know that it has helped shape the person I am today.  There are challenges that come with it and there are also blessings.  Take care and let us know as you have questions come up. 


Hi! thanks for all yalls replies! I really appreciate all the support yall are showing! I'm loving this site so far, it's like my new best friend. haha (:


The first part is the hardest, because your doctor wants you to stick to the schedule after you get doses figured out and you start to learn how to make your own dosage changes. After that, it will be easier to eat more or less how you want, even if you decide to stick with shots.

Welcome to Juvenation!

You are doing wonderful! My daughter has had it for 4 years and lives a wonderful life, nothing stops her and don't let anything stop you either. It will take a lot of adjustment in your life, it did in ours. Just take good care of yourself and listen to your body, it will tell you when things are wrong. God Bless you and Good luck. We are all pulling for you!! And listen to your doctors too!!