I've been so stupid!

In the last 8 years I've been a diabetic the only one who's cared is me. My mother has always and still is in the stage where she blames herself, I can't worry about her anymore. My Diabetes is starting to feel like extra weight again. It's like a whole nother responsibility in its self, and I must admit I'm getting lazy. Today, well lately I've been having low days, not that my blood sugars low, I just don't want to be a diabetic lately. Any who NO One was around when I became a t1 I had a nurse who came twice a week for about 2 weeks, she left. I use to go to the doctor but my mom stopped taking me so I stopped caring, I mean I just learned what an A1C was last year. Long story short I had no reason to believe that there was others like me. When I first was admitted into the hospital, my first doctor said "we don't treat your kind here" it wasn't till I left that building, that I realized he was a racist bastard. No one told me about research I was only a kid. No one cared. Today, after years of learning by books and long term damages, that I experienced early, I found out theres Diabetic Camps, theres support, I could call and talk to people about things they would actually understand. There's help and other types of activities. However, instead of this news bringing me joy it makes me realize I missed the camp, not that I would of had the money to go, and I have no sponsor to even do a walk for the cure, the only thing I have is this site and yet I feel so lonely. I need Support will someone help me? ...


i'm sorry it's been so rough for you. we are all here to help you :o) you can find friendship and support here because we care about you and your success in living with diabetes. you came to the right place :o)

La Vonia....you are not alone....I am so sorry that your mom didn't care and stopped seeing that you got the proper treatment for your diabetes.  I am so sorry for all of your bad experiences.  No one should have to live like you did.  But today is a new day and you have the chance to make things better!  You have come to the right place for support and guidance.  There are so many friendly people here who are willing to help you in any way they can!  I am so glad that you are here! :D

It's not that my mom doesn't care it's just that we really can't even afford the price of living and we've always struggled. It was new for the both of us, but no excuses we both could have researched a lot more. I appreciate your help so much, you can't even imagine.