i tried to find any posts on this subject, and couldn't locate any. i can't be the only person this has happened to (insulin shot infections). if there is anyone who has experienced this icky phenom, would u share how u think it happened and what resolved it? i am a 20 yr+ type 1 and have had two episodes. but this week another one has reared its ugly head. i really don't want to go to the doctor. the other two kind of ... how do i put this delicately, opened up and rectified themselves with triple antibiotics. but this one will not do that and i am concerned that i will get an infection that may go to the bloodstream. any ideas, stories? i appreciate ur feedback, but please no ranting and raving, i am hard enough on myself and it was very difficult to reach out for help. thanks so much :)
Hi Heidi, I'm not sure how much help I can be, but I wanted to let you know you aren't alone. Once in high school, I dropped my syringe (before I used pens) but injected anyways, and I have a little scar from where the infection had to be drained. Sorry to tell you, but I did have to see the doctor to get it taken care of. :P
Even though I'm not sure how helpful it is, I do use alcohol swabs and don't touch the needle to anything. Is your control ok? Higher a1c's can make infections worse.
Good luck -- hope you're feeling better soon!
Instead of an infection do you think it could be an insulin allergy? It's important to talk to your doctor about what's going on because I don't think it's common.
Before using an insulin pump I did shots for 25 years. In the last decade of that time I reused syringes at least 5 times each and didn't use alcohol swabs... never had an infection. So that's why I think there may be something else going on in your case.
I think you should go to the doctor - what you are describing isn't normal and could get worse. I did shots for 21 years and never had an infection. Are you re-using syringes?
[quote user="jennagrant"]
Instead of an infection do you think it could be an insulin allergy? It's important to talk to your doctor about what's going on because I don't think it's common.
I have an insulin allergy. It's warm, itchy, red, hive-like. But, nothing with puss that would have to be drained...
I agree with everyone else, you should go see a doctor. This doesn't seem to be a "it'll get better on it's own" thing since you've been dealing with these for a while. I've also never had an infection in my 16years on shots (and I sometimes re-use them and haven't used alcohol wipes since I was about 7).
I've had things similar to what you're disturbing though but they were staph infections unrelated to injections. I've had them on my back (after getting a tattoo, even though it was a VERY clean shop), and get them at least once a year under my arms (I still have a scar from one that had to be drained at the clinic daily for 2weeks when I was 14). Maybe that's what you're dealing with?
Heidi, go to the doctor. :)
Don't put it off. There's no advice that we could give you that could better an infection. It might need to be drained and then treated with a course of antibiotics.
If it's red, swollen, hard underneath, painful, oozing, etc...that bad boy is an abscess that will only get worse the longer you ignore it.