C another joyride it is. im front passengerless at the moment :(
C- I think we are pretty much game for anything, but pb is a must.........you can bring the candy wrappers and read jokes to us!
If we are going for pb, I'll take it. How many are fitting in this big truck? C- what are you getting on this ride?
can u count me in on the pb road trip?? im really craving peanut butter now...to bad my blood sugar is high. (story of my life!)
i haven't decided.
my favorite laffy taffy joke:
what'd the snail say when it got on the turtle's back?
Kelsey, I am sure there is room, right, Wolf? C- love the jokes........this will be the best trip!
I call controlling the siren! What could be better than peanut butter and laffy taffy jokes?? :D
If you guys happen upon VA, feel free to pick me up and break me from this monotony.
[quote user="Kelsey"]
I call controlling the siren! What could be better than peanut butter and laffy taffy jokes?? :D
[/quote]puppies? :D
Kelsey is in and controls the siren. well i can fit about 8. but we are diabetic and mostly prob weigh bout nothing. cuz i cant gain a pound. so we can probably fit 16 lol. ChLjoe is in with us. We will back track and get him out of his monotonous scenario.
This trip would be hard to beat!
C- i propose the addition of puppies to this trip! although they can be messy....
ChLJoe VA is close enough........I'm in PA, and so is the store........we'll be down to get you.........with the siren on!
Awesome news, the siren should make travel much more manageable.
We are down to pick you up Brother. But this better not end up like "Deliverance". :)
I don't know Kelsey.........puppies, not only messy, but can be a little chewy............just kidding!!!! I love puppies, I just couldn't resist the comment after all of this talk about food!!! I have a 1 1/2 year old puppy and I don't think I could come home with another one........so, I am not aloud to hold the puppies on this trip!
I was thinking the warm peanut butter might soften them up...haha kidding! I have a dog and she might enjoy havin someone to play with...i will control the siren and hold the puppies! the art of multitasking is definitly one i have mastered :)
Diet Pepsi, Popcorn (has to have salt, sugar, and cinnimon), and Dates :)
lol.......sounds like we are ready to go. Let's see........truck, siren, 16 people, puppies, laffy taffy jokes..........missing anything?
Missing: whomever shall be in charge of the ipod
I vote me