iBGStar Glucometer for iPhone!

Sooooo, is anyone as stoked as I am that the first iPhone extra to EVER be approved by Apple and actually be officially announced is the iBGStar Glucometer? It's a little device that plugs in to your iPhone and you use regular old teststrips and it read your level. SO, iPhone will officially be turned in to a glucometer, where you can then upload your levels to your doctor and log it and all that fun stuff IN YOUR iPHONE! Diabetes makes a cool, comeback! No longer must we be the wierdos with the funny looking machine. That's right, our iPhones will suffice, probably surpass what we are all used to now. I don't know about you, but I'm signing up. Should be available to the public in 2011. Oh, and iPhone comes to Verizon Wireless in January... if anyone was wondering :)

umm..where is the test strip suppose to go? i've seen the new iphone 4 and there's nowhere to put it. are they putting out a whole new version JUST for this application? (even when i get an iphone, i'm gonna stick to my onetouch...)

Mandie - I first heard about this at TCOYD this past weekend!  Batts, there is a USB plug-in piece, looks a bit like a zip drive, that the strip goes into.  It plugs into the bottom of the phone.

I don't have an iPhone, but I'm excited for those who do.  :)

KIM! Wait, wait, wait, this PAST weekend? As in the convention center in Des Moines?! Cuz I was certainly there, probably the youngest one, mind you. And one of the oldest DIABETICS, haha. How small of a world is this?! Want to fly to california at the end of october and go again? Because it reinvigorated my passion for taking control, BETTER control, that is.

Batts, like I said, it's an extra. Like it's this little piece that plugs in to your iPhone at the bottom and your level will come up on that and the test strip goes in there. IT'S THE COOLEST THING EVER. Check it out, and revel in the majesty of technological advances!!!!!

Here: http://www.gadgetreview.com/2010/09/iphone-diabetes-glucose-meter-coming-soon.html

Mandie!  Yep, C  and I were both there, as well as some other Juvenators.  :)  It's too bad we didn't know this ahead of time!!  We d-veterans have to stick together.  :) 

I thought it was a great experience, too.  I've been working on a blog post about it, but can't seem to come to a place where it's ready to post.  Hopefully tonight!

San Diego... yes please... /end dreaming


[quote user="Kim"]

Mandie - I first heard about this at TCOYD this past weekend!  Batts, there is a USB plug-in piece, looks a bit like a zip drive, that the strip goes into.  It plugs into the bottom of the phone.

I don't have an iPhone, but I'm excited for those who do.  :)


hmm why do i forsee it costing quite a bit to purchase that/replace it and it NOT being covered by insurance? haha i'm gonna stick with my onetouch either way, but i guess if this is what people want, great!

Seems like a really convenient device. I remember a couple years ago FreeStyle made an attachment to a PDA, which made helpful charts of levels and whatnot. But, combining a meter with an iPhone is great. I wish Verizon would hurry up and get the iPhone, though they've been saying that for the past two years. I know I'm not going to hold my breath. 

I will say one thing about the GadgetReview article, however. I hate, hate, hate when I see: "folks who are afflicted with the disease." Personally, I don't suffer from diabetes - I just live with it :P

Here's another link with more info and pics: http://www.fastcodesign.com/1662351/first-look-iphone-add-on-is-a-revolutionary-product-for-diabetics-video

I wonder if I'd actually use this.  Seems kind of annoying to have to plug something into your phone, start up an app, and wait for it to be ready for sample...I'll reserve judgment till I see it in action though.

You know, the first thing I did when I say this post was think, WOW this is pretty neat. In fact, I went and put the link on my facebook page I was that excited. But after a minute, it really started to bother me. Come on now; a facebook app?! I don't mean to be a kill joy here, but this company is really ticking me off. They write all over the site how about how their new machine is not only effective but how it is even better then current testing kits. If that is the case, they should offer the technology to everyone instead of only IPhone users. Sorry if I am being too sensitive, but I see this as more of gimmick to make a few extra bucks rather then as a conscience effort by a company to make our lives better.

Ideen, did you see how they have the case that keeps the glucometer and phone attached at all times? that seems kind of sweet!

Dan, I hear you. But even if it is a gimmick to make extra money, I'm buying in. Anything that's shiny and gets me to hate my diabetes just an iota less, I'll go for it. I do have the pretty pink meter, after all. You gotta take joy where you can, and I for one certainly will justify getting an iPhone as a way to help manage this stinking disease. :P :) Plus, who's ever been jealous of a diabetic? It might be fun, for a change.

[quote user="Mandie"]

Ideen, did you see how they have the case that keeps the glucometer and phone attached at all times? that seems kind of sweet!


Yeah, saw that, but I'm not so sure I'd want a phone that long in my pocket.  Guess it wouldn't be such a problem for girls who keep their phones in their purses, but that just seems annoying for guys unless you have huge pockets.

I love this!!!

I'm the least techno savy person in the world, but this is cool!  Always thought iPhones were just overpriced toys.  This wins me over... darn the good marketing. 

P.S. When did Apple go British?  The second link talked about diabetics who test "thrice" daily and have "cumbersome" technology. 

[quote user="rockgal84"]

I will say one thing about the GadgetReview article, however. I hate, hate, hate when I see: "folks who are afflicted with the disease." Personally, I don't suffer from diabetes - I just live with it :P


OOoooh, I hate that. I also hate it when they say this will "revolutionize our disease". They don't know, they don't understand, please don't speak for "us".

I'm definitely going to get it too!

I hope the special case fits in my pocket though.. it seems long but... not too long? I'm not a great tester, I've been honeymooning for... 4 years now. I think always having my tester with me, and appealing to my techno geek, will be really awesome. Next I'll want my CGM to speak to my pump AND my iphone.....

I think that is so cool i want to get one so bad! I have AT&T and my phone contract is up in July so maybe ill get an iphone so that I dont have to carry that ugly case anymoree. i can just stick the USB in my purse some stripss. Omygod im so excited now  :)

[quote user="justjohn"]

I'm definitely going to get it too!

I hope the special case fits in my pocket though.. it seems long but... not too long? I'm not a great tester, I've been honeymooning for... 4 years now. I think always having my tester with me, and appealing to my techno geek, will be really awesome. Next I'll want my CGM to speak to my pump AND my iphone.....



If I were you i would get in the habit of testing now because i was in honeymoon for a very long time as well and now it is biting me in the butt. Just an FYI

How long did you honeymoon? How is it biting you in the butt?

(I actually have never really talked to other Diabetics, I was diagnosed when I was 22 and things have been so manageable so far that I actually haven't ever really talked to other diabetics.......) Meanwhile I know things will get harder someday... but right now I'm just thankful I have a little bit more time.

This is awesome! I was going to get the iphone sometime soon, this just made me even more excited for it!!!