I snooped

ok, so i was just curious what guys talk about in the "men only" group. so i snooped around to see what it was. we talk about periods and sex and birth control. they talk about nothing. HA.


haha i've snooped more than once..but it was dull so i stopped..

yes, i don't believe it was quite thrilling enough to make me go back. i talk about baseball and football all day anyway. i don't need to snoop around the guys page to do it :o)

[quote user="C"]

 they talk about nothing. HA.



I agree. I've snooped too ; ) Maybe when they read that we say they're boring they'll change it up a bit ; ) You know they snoop too !!! LOL

 Hi Boys !!

hey! there's a guy creeping on our "women only" threads! i just saw it on the members page.

ahahahah, that makes me laugh. everyone is too curious to stay in their own gender groups. :D

Yeah, it makes me nervous how everyone can see where you are on the members page. Like, "Hi, I'm Sarah and I'm currently reading the 'sex drive' thread!" (:

[quote user="Sarah"]

Yeah, it makes me nervous how everyone can see where you are on the members page. Like, "Hi, I'm Sarah and I'm currently reading the 'sex drive' thread!" (:


know what's sad? i didnt even realize that the site did that lol

[quote user="Sarah"]

Yeah, it makes me nervous how everyone can see where you are on the members page. Like, "Hi, I'm Sarah and I'm currently reading the 'sex drive' thread!" (:




Sarah you are hilarious LOL