I have T1, how many other T1's also have children with T1?

I'm sorry, but am I the only one that doesn't see the resemblance between Paul and Paul Jr?! (I know, I know: yes)

Hi Kristen,you are going to be a great mom no matter which way the wind blows.Others are right that it will be an advantage to your child,knowing all that you do.I went into panic mode when my daughter got this.My husband,he thouht there was no way this could be true.Speeding on the way to the hospital,he told my oldest daughter that there is a mistake...She doen't have diabetes.I was in the ambulance with her,I knew she did.I cry even typing this,but,I think if I had knowledge on this before hand,things would have been better.My husband is type 2,he told the doctor right off.The doctor told him the two are not the same,never to mix them.I would pray type1 would never touch another child.Maybe a cure will come,a breakthrough,I tell my teen,do what you need to do,stay healthy ,so when a cure comes,you will be in a really good place.Take Care

Thanks to all of you who have written and shown your support.  It helps more than you'll ever know!

DDrumminMan,Alyssa is right,Iwant to say also that I am sorry to hear of your son passing.I should have said something earlier.Anytime you would like to share stories of his life,I know everyone would like to hear.Things he liked to do.There are no words I feel are good enough to express  to anyone that has lost a child.My sister lost her son at age 14,and I rushed to the hospital to be with her.She looked at me and said my heart hurts,I knew she was saying that because he was part of her heart.Years later,she had someone tell her,after all these years you should be over this,how stupid!! He was the sweetest boy ever,he loved his mom so much,tender hearted..

Alyssa: People have pretty much always said I look like my mom and my sister looks like my dad, so you're not alone. :)


>whew< Oh, good, Max, I was worried it was just me :D

Hi  Max,when I first saw the link,I hit it and thought why did Paul pop up? I think it is great you are on here with your dad.