I Am New To This Group

I do NOT have a child with diabetes, but I was diagnosed with diabetes in 1945, when I was 6. I can easily identify with children who have diabetes. If you think I should not be a member of this group, please let me know.

There is another site that was created for parents of diabetic children. Some members here post on both sites. Here is the link for the other site:


Do you parents already know about that site?

Richard - you are of course welcome here! At least for me, it is very inspiring to have met you and Tom and a few others on juvenation who have had D since you were young and have lived long, full, healthy lives! It makes the worry about chronic complications a little bit less, to know that D is not a death sentence for our dear children!

Thank you for the other link - other forums are always helpful!


Dear Richard, I am in awe to that you have managed your disease so well. I am a mother of 2 children with juvenile diabetes. My son aged 2 was diagonised in May 2010 and we found out in dec 2010 that our daughter aged 5yrs too has turned diabetic. We are needless to say very worried, because we are not being able to keep their sugar under control and being in a place where there isn't a very good doctor to guide us on the same, we are about to pull our hairs out! We are desparate to understand how to stabilise their sugar levels. They are on Levemir (Detemir) and Novorapid.We are unable to uderstand how much of Levemir to administer and facing hypos in the early morning hours....

Would be grateful if someone like you who understands it, would be able to advise on how to decide on how much of levemir needs to be administered.


In anticipation of your reply,




Hello, Priya,

I highly recommend the book "Think Like a Pancreas" by Gary Scheiner.  It clearly explains several ways of managing diabetes in very clear language, including determining doses.

