I take 18u of Lantus in the morning and 15u at night, so 33u. Novorapid ranges for me, but I'd say I take anywhere from 20-50u a day. depends on how much i eat, how many corrections i gotta do, etc.
I am a baby for some reason. Basal = 3.6, Bolus~7-11, so 11-15 units/day on average.
it could be due to your weight/activity level but most likely resistance level. the more fat you've got on you along with the less active you are, the more insulin you need due to resistance.
I gained weight in the 1990s and developed insulin resistance. My total daily dosage (TDD) increased 40%. I started taking a type 2 med in 1999, and I lost weight. My TDD returned to normal. Last month my TDD was 36 units of Humalog, in my pump. Then, this month, the doc had me stop taking the type 2 med. He thinks my weight loss will make it no longer necessary. Now my TDD is 40 units and I am gaining weight (4 pounds so far). If this continues I will need to continue the med. I hate being overweight!!!
until the last month or two i was taking 80-100u of novolog a day (pumper). recently, i've only been using around 45-65u a day. since i'm not working right now, i've had a lot more time to exercise and actually eat healthier, so my insulin needs have dropped. i also don't have the incredible stress i did during the internship so my insulin resistance has dropped a lot.