Honeymoon stage, should I wait to get the pump?

Hi everyone, I am new to the type one community since I was diagnosed at age 27 this past August. I was truly surprised to hear that news, like I imagine most adults would be too. After weeks of taking my insulin shots (and going low because of it) I started to see my sugar levels “normalize”. My doctor explained that I was most likely in the honeymoon stage. Sometimes my levels are so low that I don’t take my insulin and haven’t been taking it with the exception of a few units of lantus at night every now and then. I know that is probably not the doctor recommended thing to do but I also don’t want to be going low every single time I take it. Because of this honeymoon stage, I currently feel hesitant on getting the pump that my doctor and I discussed. The reason for this is because I feel like I would rather ride out this honeymoon stage for as long as I can before I start using a pump. Has anyone else felt this way and experienced the same feelings?


Hi, I’m newly diagnosed at age 20 right now. My doctor did not recommend me starting the pump yet, as I am also still in the honeymoon phase. It all depends on what your doctor recommends and what you feel comfortable with.

Hi Mirjana and Sarah @miro777 , @Sarah1196 ,

Welcome both of you to Our World of Diabetes and welcome as members of TypeOneNation.

A pump will not really keep you from going low unless you begin with one of the wonderful new things that suspend insulin delivery if the algorithm senses that you are going low FAST! The pump, no matter which you may choose, most be setup and adjusted correctly - from what I see, many, many PWD and their doctors appear to NOT have correct basal rates nor bolus ratios programmed.

While in “Honeymoon”, a pump may be more difficult to use effectively because of fluctuations in extreme - as Mirjana points out her insulin at times is zero. My thought, right now be cautious with insulin and check BGL frequently - keep a log of BG, foods, carbs, activity and of course insulin and its type. Know your body and observe how both rapid-acting and basal insulins work in you.

Best wishes to both of you!

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hey I’m over a year diagnosed now and the pump is awesome it helps out a lot but you should wait it out. If you’re not used to the insulin taking, counting carbs, and remembering your carb ratios then the pump will put a whole lot more pressure on your life and could lead to serious injurie or hospitalization again. I say call your doctor and tell him/her about these nightly lows and day lows so yall can change your carb ratio cause it might just be to high. Trust me I went throught the same crap you’re going through right now and it takes a call just fix it so take my advice and wait for the pump please no one wants to see you in the hospital again.

Thank you everyone for the feedback, I truly appreciate it!

I’m in the same exact boat. I was diagnosed in September and I’ve been honeymooning for a couple of weeks. We’ve been controlling my numbers with just my once a day lantus. But at my appointment the other day my doctor discussed the pump and wants me to start thinking about it. I’m gonna ride out the honeymoon as long as I can before I do anything else.

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Same as me as well! It’s all so new I’m just trying to get used to this and hoping my blood sugars & insulin stay good for as long as possible! All sounds really stressful having to count carbs etc to use the short acting insulin

Oh yes @Hollie_99 getting accustomed to carb counting and rapid acting insulin can cause stress and raise lots of questions - at first. But believe me, soon it will be second nature to you. Oh yes, another thing - I expect you [like all of us] will encounter "OPERATOR ERROR" when you forget a bolus/shot or totally miscount the real carbs in that awesome meal.
When this happens, try to take your sky-high BG in stride and not let it stress you - well, it will stress you but shove that aside and maybe learn from what happened. I could share many stories but right now I won’t bore you.

Have a grand weekend! Yeah, relax once you get all papers finished.

Hi Mirjana,

I have been taking one shot, Lantus, per day for the past 2.5 years. I have always taken it in the morning. I started wearing a Dexcom G5 six months after my diagnosis and that was a significant improvement. I started with 14 units and found that was too much so I dropped down to 12 units. Currently, I am taking 18 units each morning. I have my G5 set to alert me at 80mg/dl so that at night. This has reduced my stress level substantially and now I just go to bed without worrying.

Happy to share more if it will help.


I think it helps to learn to manage with pens and needles. I’m just a few months ahead of you and my honeymoon ended about 2 months ago. I’m taking lantus twice per day and giving bolus humalog for each meal. I’ve made a few mistakes (thankful for such emergency food). I’ve learned what hypo actually feels like (don’t like it!). I’ve notified my employeer (ADA protections) and I put a sharps container in my office.

Don’t want to say I’m doing great. . . I’m managing my diabetes. I’m doing pretty good on that. I get a bit worn out of thinking about all this all the time!

I am a bit stuck in most of my ways and doing the best I can for 62 years old and newbie in type 1 diabetes!


Hi there Mirjana!
I know the feeling. I tried the pump when I was 7, and hated it. It was too bulky, and too much responsibility for me. After 9 years of being a type 1, I finally got my pump last summer, and loved it! It may just be a little while before you decide you want one. Maybe you want to wait around and see what comes out.
I hope this helped!

Yes for sure! Wait until you are totally comfortable with your insulin and BG range before you go to a pump. I waited five years before getting a pump.