Can't get answer from doc's on pump

Hello all,

My son was diagnosed in April 2009. He has been to diabetes camp and saw other kids with the pumps and thinks it is for him. I have been trying to get his endo to give us an idea of when he could switch. He is still in honeymoon phase (I guess) but can't get answers about how you can tell when you are not in honeymoon phase. 

Originally she said typically it takes a year from diagnosis to move to the pump - has anyone else heard that and how can you tell the honeymoon period is over.


The thing with the Honeymoon period is that it can last differently for everyone. I know some people who the period has lasted six months, some a year, and others longer or lesser. Each person it is different for. You need to see what your doctor's hesitancy is in wanting to wait or not try a pump with your son. He may have a good reason for why you should wait.In more than just you should wait a year for a transition. Some people have moved sooner, others much later. A year period of time could just be the doctor's way of trying to get your son and yourself adjusted to having type one diabetes before switching things up. It could be to wait for him to be more comfortable with the illness to want to treat it properly. I am hoping she has good answers. If you get a well this is just how I do it sort of answer, ask why.

I was diagnosed at 14 so I know the feeling, granted it also took my thyroid another two years to act up, but I do understand what your son is running into on some levels. Hopefully things will pick up though. Good luck in your search for answers though.

The honeymoon period is different for everyone. My daughter had her pump within 2 months of her diagnosis because I demanded it and did not take no for an answer. i have a pump as well and I knew what a great thing it was so I didn't settle for anything other than approval from the Endo. However, Courtney started having random 300's or higher more frequently and that was how we figured the honeymoon was ending. However, it has been a year and a half since her diagnosis and I think her pancreas still "kicks in" every now and then to confuse me. She will randomly have a day where no matter how much she eats and how little insulin she gets, her numbers are always in the 60's. It has only happened about 3 times but there is no other explanation for the lows.

As for waiting for the honeymoon to end I was told it is because of the actual dose of insulin needed. The pumps can only deliver certain amounts. I cannot remember what they were but i think Courtney had to be on 2 or 3 units a day, which wasn't a problem. I'd do your research, show the doc you are informed and know what you are talking about and then ask the doctor for her reasons to make you wait. Then if you really want to do it, which I recommend, don't settle for no. Good luck!

Thanks Brian

That has helped alot. Its been really hard so far. We went on a walk with the ADA for diabetes and they had a bunch on people on stage before the walk. One of them was talking about stopping the amputations and the the other things that can happen with diabetes. My son just stood there in shock.  That was hard. We did our best to tell him he can be o.k. and then that. Well, we are learning. Our next walk will be JDRF walk.

Gald to see you have done so well.


Thanks Amie

It seems like its always a struggle with a feeling of powerlessness. I have battled with school officials and won and wondered why I had to battle at all. They all better watch it - after I get some rest they will really have someone to deal with. lol.

Thanks for your help



I would just try to talk with your endo about it. My impression is from reading other posts that some endos are really for pumps and don't have any rules about timelines and some aren't so much. I feel fortunate that our endo talked with us about pumps even in the hospital at diagnosis. We are less than 6 months in, an my son's pump will be delivered on Monday! They only recommended that we wait 3 months before starting. I have a feeling it was so the whole diabetes thing could sink in emotionally before making a big change in its management (and it is important that you know how to do shots, because that's your fall back if the pump has problems.)

How does your clinic train you on pump use or other diabetes care topics? Ours has a schedule of classes that you are free to attend as desired. However, you have to attend certain ones before they will actually do your pump paperwork, etc. So maybe you can inquire about that?

The only other comment our endo made is that he had no problems with my son starting the pump during the honeymoon. He said that the pump can make it easier to give accurately the tiny doses that my son needs right now, and then as the honeymoon ends and more correction doses possibly needed, that it is easier to just push the buttons to give those than having to give extra shots.



YOur post was really helpful. It had been awhile since this initial post and I have met with my son's endo. I really expected a lot of - you have to wait etc because I was going by what the nurses would say when he was diagnosed and they said a year. The endo said - its an individual choice for when you feel ready and gave my son paperwork to fill out. He completed that (it was a long quiz on calculating carbs etc) and they called almost immediately. Today they asked if next week was O.K. for classes. My son wants the Ping and they were holding classes next week. I said yes. The other class for the ping was after January. 

It looks like we are bypassing the general pump classes and attending the one specific for the Ping. I did extensive research and asked a lot of questions about the different pumps and even ordered the Omni Pod demo which my son hated. I am a big Omni pod fan and think that is the best way to go but will not tell him that. He is the person who absolutly has to make that decision and at 14 I know he will take ownership if it is his decision.

So next week we do the saline test for the Ping. I go thru a lot of emotions about if I made the right choice letting him decide etc. I don't have a problem at all with the pump just which one is best - every pump has great features and some drawback but even the least favorite in my opinion is better than what he is doing no and at 14 he needs freedom and to not feel like he is standing out.

This is a great site. What is interesting for me is that with every step we take we are not alone. Someone on this site is doing or experiencing what we are at about the same time. I love the idea of being able to help with what we have learned.

Thank  you for your input.