
What's everyone doing this summer?

Working 3 jobs. Pretending I know how to be the man of the house. Trying to pull my head out of my ass. You know... The norm.

im taking spanish 1 and psychology classes online this summer and im looking for a summer job and maybe a gf 2

a week with extended family, a couple trips to the eastern shore, and as much time as possible outside before I have to head back to work.

Just got an aquarium last week. Looking for a job as well. I like Jozefs idea of getting a gf!

Swimming, taking courses, cruising, reading, scrapbooking, doing work around the house, refinishing two rocking chairs.....should keep me pretty busy!  

I'd go for a bf this summer xD lol and I'm working at a summer camp and teaching riding lessons :P

Sounds like this is the summer of love

I like blogging!

Check out my diabetes blog


I'm going to Colorado to see family, hopefully to Philadelphia, and doing my spanish and CE chem work and summer reading. And enjoying myself as much as possible. And I'd love a bf but think it's highly unlikely.

riding my gocart

I show horses!! My sister has one and I have one! I won 3rd,4th,2nd,and 5th

<3 lots of painting while drinking herbal tea and listening to traditional Asian music~ really soothing you should try it. Also will work on my garden ~ maybe some hiking and swimming

Reading, writing, soccer, internet, school, hanging out with friends…the usual teen stuff.