High School and Diabetes

I will be starting my Freshman year of High School on Monday. I am a little nervous because of it being a new school year and at a new school. Plus it doesn’t help that I am always worrying about where my blood sugar is at. Does anyone have any advice on how to make High School and diabetes simple?

Don’t be nervous at all! You’ll make friends in no time! :slight_smile: I just started my junior year of high school yesterday and it was extremely nervous since I was diagnosed over summer and I had no idea how people at school were going to react to me now having to test and inject at the lunch tables. I thought they would be rude and get grossed out, but completely honestly, no one really even reacted! I even tested my blood sugar in class on the first day of school and even the people at my table didn’t even pay attention. I just told people on my own and treated it like no big deal and everyone else did too! I haven’t even had anyone make any rude remarks about it. They’re mostly just curious and want to know all about it. Some of my friends even wanted to inject me (no thanks guys…). Plus you can always test in the restroom in the beginning if you’re uncomfortable or go to the nurse.
Don’t worry at all about high school! You’ll have lots of fun and make some great memories and it will help you take your mind off of worrying about your blood sugars as well. You’ll do great! :slight_smile:

Oops *I was extremely nervous

Thank you for the positive thoughts! Since I am a Freshman this year, the nurse wants me to check in her office. I am hoping that someday she will let me carry my meter around in my backpack, but all Freshman must keep it in the nurse’s office so that they can keep an eye on you and make sure that you can check, bolus, etc. all on your own. She says that normally Freshman and Sophomores check in her office, while she barely sees the Juniors and Seniors, for they carry their meter with them. So far, I have been very independent with my diabetes, so maybe I will get to carry it sooner than later. We will just have to wait and see!
Thanks again!

@explosion7 I’m sure they will let you do it even sooner since you’re so responsible with it! My school normally makes ALL of the diabetics take care of it at the nurse, but they made an exception for me since I monitor it well and am responsible about it. I’m sure they can do the same for you maybe sophomore year!

No problem! If you have any other questions just ask! :slight_smile:

Thank you! :slight_smile:

There’s no reason to be nervous! I’m going into my senior year and i’ve had diabetes for around 15 years. High school with diabetes isn’t any different from any other school year except you grow more independent. I’ve gone to 2 different high schools and both let me carry my supplies with me however i go to the nurse for lows or highs…some teachers don’t like eating in the classrooms. You should ask your school nurse about other diabetics in the school and possibly having school diabetic support groups. They’re a lot of fun and it’s really cool to know the other diabetics in the school (hopefully there are some)

This was very helpful and I actually feel a little better just from reading that! The nurse had told me that there are about four or five other diabetics in the school, so I am hoping to meet them. She couldn’t remember whether the new student is a Freshman, but I am hoping she is and to meet her. It would be awesome to have a diabetic friend who knows what I am feeling and what I am talking about!
Anyway, thank you for your comforting response!

On the first day of school I’d sometimes have a low blood sugar because I’d be excited. Take glucose tablets or whatever you use for lows with you, just in case. I’m sure you’ll have a great year.

Thank you! :slight_smile: