Hi I'm new

Hey everyone. I have been a diabetic since I was 12, I am now almost 18. I am looking for any diabetic friends and advice on diets, workouts, areas where insulin is accepted.

Hey, I’m andrew and I’m 22 welcome! I’d be happy to talk and maybe we can even help each other out.

Hi Andrew nice to meet you. That sounds great.

Hi, I’m rachel and I was diagnosed 3 months ago. I’m 17 and would love to talk t1d with u!

Sounds great Rachel.

I’ve had a tslim pump for about 2 years and now when I use it my body doesn’t accept the insulin like it did before. Any thoughts or ideas?

I would say change the pump site. I Insulin doesn’t work on the back of my thighs but it does on my arms. Make sure to check the expiration date as well.

Thanks. Do you think stress would cause problems too.

Hi Elisha @Toad.27, stress certainly can cause our BG levels to rise, even spike very high. If it is stress, it should level out after a while - but watch closely and check [another stress] your BG frequently.
@Racheltoner Rachel that is good advice about checking the insulin expiry date - OR how long your current unrefrigerated vial has been in use - 28 day maximum; I always write down the date I open a vial.
Pump infusion sites do wear out - develop scar tissue and become less absorbent. About a year ago I had to begin using my arms for my pump infusion sites. My thighs stopped working for me in the 1970’s when I couldn’t get a needle through the toughened skin after having used them with dull old needles [before disposable needles were invented] for 20+ years.
Good luck to both of you!

Thank you for the experience style input it’s very useful. I have another question for you. Is taking 36 units of lantus 2 times a day just to keep my sugars around the low 200s bad or really bad? This started about 3 weeks ago.

Elisha @Toad.27, thank you for your comment; I’m happy to offer you any little pieces of advice that may help you in your long journey.
Without knowing more about you, your activities, eating habits and schedule, when you were diagnosed and YOUR body’s reaction to insulin I really can not venture a guess about the amount and timing of your Lantus; each of us is different, so please don’t “judge” your insulin regimens on the amounts and timing. The 38 units twice a day is not unusual.
If you have chosen a “good”, knowledgable [in T1D management] trust her/him to guide you in developing your diabetes management skills; I say “guide you” because you are, will be, the person in charge of your diabetes management.

About staying in “the low 200’s” this might be to keep you “safe” from hypoglycemic events [low blood sugar] , especially if you are newly diagnosed while observing how your body is responding to the insulin - for me, I’d rather be a bit high than unexpectedly dropping too low. Some newly diagnosed T1D experience a “honeymoon period” where to pancreas unexpectedly resumes producing insulin and causes big drops in BG.

Stay in touch :slight_smile:

Ok. I’ve been going back from pump to pen over and over again and when I use the pens my usual lantus dosage is 30 units but I’m guessing it could be stress along with other medications. Right now though I don’t have any kind of team. It’s me, my dad, and Google. I was with Childrens mercy but I have to go with a general physician for Rx’s hopefully untill I get “disability” to help pay for doctor appointments and whatnot and I think my honeymoon period ended several years ago but I’m not sure because every now and then I can eat food and not take any insulin and be fine. But anyway thank you again for your time and assistance. It’s much appreciated, I’m the only t1d in my family so it’s a learning experience for everyone.

Like you Elisha @Toad.27 I was the only one in my family with diabetes, I didn’t know any other “diabetic” and I was one of eight children. My insulin needs change a few times every year and not just at the change of season. Just this morning I spent an hour, with calculator and records of BG and insulin taken over the past several days, making changes in my pump settings.

Are you comfortable enough to make your own insulin adjustments and maybe be able to give yourself A SAFE correction with a fast acting insulin? It is the “self doctoring” I spoke about earlier today. I went several years without seeing a doctor but I made mistakes, this was in the days when a prescription wasn’t needed for insulin and long before BG meters were invented.

You must be very careful and have a good idea about what you are doing. I am NOT a medical doctor but I do have lots of experience managing my diabetes and I can offer cautions and suggestions. If you live near a medical school take a look and see if you can get guidance there - often free or at very low cost.