
Hello all,

I volunteer with JDRF Bay Area California chapter and we are definitely trying to use Juvination as a way for Bay Area Diabetics to keep in touch and offer/get support.  I'm trying to write a summery up describing some positives and negatives about the site... I'm having no troubles finding positives but the "negatives" are another story.  So I'm  counting on your inputs for help?

Thanks a bunch!

Honestly, I don't see any negatives.  I'm in the same boat you are.

i know of at least one diabetic who avoids this site not only because she feels it's geared towards youth(she's in her late 30's, early 40's i believe) but also because feels like with other online diabetic communities, the people on here won't accept that she can't afford a pump and all her questions will be answered the same way they are on other forums such as: "easy, get a pump" "this wouldn't be a problem if you had a pump" "this is what you should do on your pump to fix the problem", despite having stated many times and in her posts that she can't afford the pump and is looking for non-pump answers. maybe that could be viewed as a negative? there seems to be a lot more pro-pumpers than non-pumpers on here and a lot of non-pumpers might find it as a negative?

There are plenty of ppl on here over 40. I dont have a pump and alot dont. Your friend should join and can always unjoin if they didnt like it here. There is nothing not to like. Everyone is diff and can share something with everyone. Its a great site and Im so glad I found it. Just reading how others take care of themselves gives me ideas and movtivation for my own life. You can post any question and someone will try to answer it. Its awesome!

the only thing i think we should add is like the chat thing on facebook... well thats not a negitive more of a sugestion... but no complaints from me!

No complaints from me either. As a mother of a still somewhat newly diagnosed t-1 I have found this forum unbelievable supportive and resourceful. If I have a question I get a answer. I have never had anyone tell me to just put my daughter on the pump or when I read others asking questions get that kind of response. 

I don't have any complaints.  It seems to me that although a lot (probably the majority) of people on here have pumps, there are many that don't and everyone is generally accepting of those who can't afford pumps/CGMs/other devices or supplies.  Juvenation is about problem-solving, not criticizing! 

The only one I can think of is that there is sometimes some misconceptions or misinformation on the site. That is not a big deal if you realize that the info on the site about experiences and perspectives if T1D and their T3s. 

Lots of great exchanges and helpful information overwhelm the site. 

[quote user="Sue"]

There are plenty of ppl on here over 40. I dont have a pump and alot dont. Your friend should join and can always unjoin if they didnt like it here. There is nothing not to like. Everyone is diff and can share something with everyone. Its a great site and Im so glad I found it. Just reading how others take care of themselves gives me ideas and movtivation for my own life. You can post any question and someone will try to answer it. Its awesome!


i've explained that, but she isn't interested after taking a look at the site and still believes its geared towards youth. *shrug* doesn't matter to me if she joins or not, we're not good friends or anything. but those are the negatives of the site she's found after taking a look.

Possibly negative - I spend WAY too much time poking around here while I'm at work. :) It is just more interesting that what I usually have to work on.

Other than that, I have found most people to be supportive, tolerant of other views (not always, but most of the time).

I also have had Friends send me posts from groups that I'm not a member of (so might not otherwise see) and ask me to reply because I might have some good insights. That felt good. I have done the same with some of my Friends.

lets starte out with saying i love this site but a negative would be for kids when adults talk about death with diabetics and sad stories bout people that didnt get diagnosed and died thats sourta hard to look at if ur young like me........but otherwise this site has helped me mature alot

I love the site.  I don't take it as a subsitute for listenting to the doctor's instruction, but it has provided me significant support in trying to figure all this out.  We're all going through similar things, maybe in different phases or different ways.  I love that there are T1 adults who share their experiences with us newbees. Reading the posts of the adults who have grown up with T1 makes me feel so much more confident about what lies ahead.

In terms of negatives, can't think of any.  I'm sure there are ways it can be improved.  For instance, I like on Facebook that you can "like" somebody's post.  I read a lot of posts that I'd like to "like" or express my support for.  Just a thought.