Help with New Iphone and carb-insulin calculator app

I am a Andriod user and my daughter was to just got a new Iphone for her upcoming birthday. We transferred her Dexcom easily however the T1D1 -type 1 from day 1-carb insulin calculator app is not downloading onto the new phone. What other apps are there to calculate insulin doses for Iphones? She is still using injections only 6 months since being diagnosed. I appreciate all suggestions and the help. Thanks


Which app are you trying now? Other users may be able to help you troubleshoot, and you won’t get recommendations for the same one.

Type 1 Diabetes from day 1 also called T1D1 llc also called is the website it says it does download from apple store but for some reason when we download I think it says not be able to use in our country or region which seems weird. :thinking:

My apologies - I thought I was reading a description rather than the name of the app🤪. Happy hunting!

Yeah most day I feel like that.:eyes:

Another thought - if you’re using a vpn and its router (or whatever the term is) is taking you through another country, that may be why you’re getting that message. You could select an area in the US or turn your vpn off completely and see if it lets you load it.
My pump does the does for me but you had me intrigued so I did a search for insulin dosing apps in the app store. I want through them pretty quickly but they don’t have many reviews. Personally I like to wait to see plenty of feedback but that’s just me. Sometimes you can download something directly from a site even if it’s not available in the app store. I’ve found that rare but I’ve seen it - although it’s been a while.
What does the app do besides - I imagine - do the math for insulin:carb ratio? Does it figure out insulin on board since last injection and adjust? You’ve got me curious!

The problem you may be having is that orgs like the US FDA have strict rules on apps and the like that give dosing instructions. Apple has strict rules to limit their liability and comply with US law/regulations as well. I’ve looked on the Apple app site and can’t even find T1D1, when using a link to the Apple App Store to download it, I get a “This app is not available in your country.” Using Dorie’s idea of using a VPN to mimic like you’re coming to the App Store from another country may or may not work depending on what country you’ve set up your iPhone as operating in. There are work around s to all this, but I’m not familiar with them. Find a techie to help you out… Other choices you may want to consider: 1) try using a insulin pen with dosing app that is FDA approved; 2) try an insulin pump if interested with an app; 3) get the kid that wrote T1D1 to release his algorithm and duplicate it in Excel or Numbers.


Hello @bltfamily1 there may be apps but for a newly diagnosed person, in my opinion as a long term insulin user, it is so much more empowering to understand how to calculate dosages by hand. The book “Think Like a Pancreas” has everything you need to understand what a sensitivity number is, what an I:C is and how to take a blood sugar reading and a meal, and what to do next. That app was apparently written by a 13 year old and may not have the support necessary to be used by others to calculate an actual insulin dosage. In other words they may have shut it down due to liability, etc. my pump “calculates” the dosage for me but I know enough to know when it’s not right, for example because i am active, or sick, or whatever cannot be calculated by a simple math algorithm. I hope you find some new tools and have all the support you need.


That is a very good idea about the VPN and will be call my brother-in-law who is a tech genius and apple user who can probably help with the change the country. Also will reach out to the boy who developed the app because I do not see any reviews saying it doesnt work on apple prod so im sure there is a way. The childrens hospital gave us the app info. It is the simple app does not give us any calculations of insulin on board just carb ratio correction factor & target range. We use the pen from tresiba and novo fast acting just whole units and we do pretty good keeping her in range but since she is still under a year the doctor does not want to do a pump. Thank u for all the ideas :bulb: :heartbeat:

That is a very good idea about the VPN and will be call my brother-in-law who is a tech genius and apple user who can probably help with the change the country. Also will reach out to the boy who developed the app because I do not see any reviews saying it doesnt work on apple prod so im sure there is a way. The childrens hospital gave us the app info. It is the simple app does not give us any calculations of insulin on board just carb ratio correction factor & target range. We use the pen from tresiba and novo fast acting just whole units and we do pretty good keeping her in range but since she is still under a year the doctor does not want to do a pump. Thank u for all the ideas :bulb: :heartbeat:

Hi Joe thank for the response. Since John Hopkins children hospital gave us the app to use when educating us on how to take care of her as well as the math calculations we ended up trusting the site. She does know how to the long math to calculate however this does take away from any errors, and whenever making any change use caution. Thanks for reminding me to do so.

I hope it’s the VPN as that should be a simple fix. With mine I go to the settings and there’s an option for the different regions you can choose. Keep us posted - the app sounds cool and the fact that it was designed by a teen is impressive! It takes a while for brand new products to get reviews, but once things are in place you can be one of the first to write one!

When you get the vpn working, check out RapidCalc. I think Apple removed it late last year from the us store but I still have it and it is still working. I don’t use it like I used to but it does many calculations, including insulin on board, like a pump would if you were pumping but is designed for MDI.
It was my go to before I started pumping.

If all else fails, contact the author/manufacturer to see if there are any installation issues or caveats on installing on your phone/OS. Most likely someone before you have experienced the same issue and they might have a ready answer for you.

Thanks for everyones advice. I tried changing VPN to another country and it was not successful due to not having a address there. However we reached out to the developer who is in the process of FDA approval with the help from Washingtons childrens hospital, so we are actually able to help beta test the app at this time… Thank u all for brainstorming and all the helpful information.

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