My son (16 yrs old) was diagnosed with T1 diabetes only 4 months ago, so we are very new to all this. He has had ADD since he was 5, currently taking meds.
He is, and has been, very angry since his diagnoses. Most of that anger is directed at me. He has become very defiant. He was checking his BS diligently when he came home from the hospital, but for the last few weeks he's only been checking it once a day! He's been lying to me about what his numbers are, and telling me he's checking, but he's not. He also has let all his grades slip - he would normally get A's & B's, and was on the honor roll, but since his diagnoses his grades dropped to B's, C's and D's. He used to be pumped up and excited about going to college in a year and a half - now he's not sure if he wants to go! And honestly, for as immature and irresponsible as he's acting, I dont' think it's a good idea for him to go!
Since he has ADD, keeping him on task has always been an issue - constant reminders of homework and chores, etc. Diabetes has been just another thing I have to remind him about, and it's caused SO much friction in our house.
I'm just overwhelmed....and I know he is too. How do I help him get a grip on all this when he won't listen or talk to me in a civil tone? How do I help him establish good habits now, so he can have a handle on his diabetes and ADD when he leaves home and I'm not around to constantly remind him of everything??
More importantly, will I ever get MY kid back....the fun loving kid I had BEFORE diabetes...or is that kid gone forever?
Thanks for your help. :-(