YES! I blog about my life with diabetes and I actually wrote a blog about this
YES! I blog about my life with diabetes and I actually wrote a blog about this
ugghhh yessss i HATEEE itt!!!!!!!! i mean yeh, i understand that they don't understand and before i was diagnosed i was the same way. even though it's extremely annoying and irritating , we unfortunetly have to deal with it :( if someone says something to you just say " i have insulin to cover it, i'll be fine, i know how to take care of myself" and if they give you attitude about it, just ignore them , stupid people like that don't need to be answered if their going to act like that. :)
Hehehe - yeah - we covered this a while back but it ranks up with some of my favorite comments and queries. I am also fond of:
You don't look sick/fat
Aren't you too old/young/purple for THAT kind of diabetes?
*while shaky/sweaty/trying to treat a low* - "It's no problem to just get you something DIET (umm - actually - It IS a problem, thanks...)
When testing/injecting/doing any D maintenance task: Do you have to do that every day?
Won't you grow out of it? (honest to G-d someone asked me this last year (I was FORTY))
Yeah - I know all about it I had a cousin/uncle/teacher/pet-lobster with Diabetes - you really should _________ [insert vaguely bizarre and dangerous medical advice here]
Can't you just take a pill? (especially loved this question when i was in MDI and folks would ask me while I was injecting - yes, i COULD take a pill but the shots are WAY more fun... *GAH*)
I think we all get a little annoyed sometimes - love your post and who says it isn't alright to be irked from time to time. Staying with any one thing be it annoyance or adoration for too long tends to cause issues - I say get bugged and get over it - besides it is often kinda' funny when you're not in the middle of it and have the gift of time, distance and perspective...
Enjoy your food and smile through the commentary if ya' can ;)
i agree totaly i hate it bwen ppl do that and its usually teachers for me so they sould no that stuff
i hate the snobby ppl that are like oh look at them they eat so much that they have diabetes now
yes all the time. like i know there asking because they care of dont want anything to happen but it can just be soo irratating because they know me they should have to ask because i already told them about it before so pls stop worrying.
this is nuts! cuz you need some sugar or you're gonna be low all the time! there are good carbs! and if you eat a cookie once in a while, its fine!:) people shud rlly ask before they blurt things!
i hate when people ask me this, it makes you feel guilty for eating something when you shouldn't feel guilty!! sooo lame..
UGH i hate that question!!!! But I do like your quote
like your post A-D
i got asked that exact thing today about a piece of cake... but the good part is that they only ask because they care about you and want you to be healthy :)
it's the worst!!! it bothers me so much. or whenever people ask if it hurts taking insulin and if i still feel it. i'm not a pin cushion. yes i feel it, it just doesn't really hurt at this point. you know?
my mom calls me the human pin cushion. lol
hahahaha i like it!
Totally the worst question ever!! I get asked this all the time to the point where I feel like taping a lecture to bring around with me to play for people so I don’t have to waste my breath.
yep, i find it annoying when they ask but I know that it's because they care about what happens to me. I think it really dependes on how they ask. What their tone is. Like, I have a friend who I work for (adult) and we have to go stay overnight some places and she'll ask if I'm fine and if I can eat something. She's really sweet about it and doesn't ask a ton. She also says something like, get whatever you want cause you know better then I do. But the thing is, I don't often eat donuts (example) so when they do come up, I don't eat them cause i can't but because I know it's not good for me.
I know right! looks like you asked the question everyone hates haha. Its the worst..... Im like 'come on people aren't we over the whole diabetics eating sugar thing?' Its the 21st century for crying out loud haha. I also hate it when people think its because im unhealthy or what ever.... um no i was diagnosed when i was 3... and yes i can eat sugar haha. I think people should have to teach/ talk about type 1 when they talk about type 2 and that they should have to explain that we can in fact eat sugar. I have teachers ask me alllll the time. I know its cause they care but its still frustrating. I just figure for every person who asks i am slowly reeducating people :)