Alyssa, if you don't need candy this year, what have you got instead?
Instead of candy, Angie?
[quote user="Alyssa"]
Instead of candy, Angie?
I don't need candy this year though :P
Yes, instead of candy, Alyssa. Why don't you need candy THIS year?
i don't even remember my first halloween with D. i was in 5th grade. all i remember was that the saturday before i went to a huge T1 party at the hospital i was diagnosed at. lol i went as a witch. and then i think i went to a harvest fest at church as a soldier or something like that on actual halloween. and then my mom took me out trick or treating to my aunts and then a few friends. most of them had special treats for me :)
I always trick-or-treated when I was on shots and couldn't eat candy spontaneously but I always went low from the walking anyway so that allowed for some snacking. I usually kept half and donated the rest for a small toy or something.
And Brian, you could always wear a lampshade. Last year one of my insane friends did that when we trick-or-treated at my other friend's Russian neighbor's house. It was hilarious. And then you definitely wouldn't be invisible :)
I was diagnosed when I was 12, so I wasn't too worried about candy. I just went trick-or-treating with my friends, and gave them most of my candy.
I got certain amount of money for each piece of candy. If I got a normal sized big bar I even got an entire dollar!!!! Therefore, my aunt would grab all the big candy bars out of my little cousins bags and trade. I made 75 bucks that year! Now, I carb count and eat the candy, its worth the shot of novolog for sure:)
[quote user="Angie13"]
[quote user="Alyssa"]
Instead of candy, Angie?
I don't need candy this year though :P
Yes, instead of candy, Alyssa. Why don't you need candy THIS year?
It's weird but suddenly candy is just unimportant to me and thinks like diabetes are more so. I find it easier just to not eat it than try to compensate for it I often seem to mess up. Guess I'm just not in the mood for it this year?
i was diagnosed when i was 4…the week before halloween.
but my parents always let me eat candy, but we would just integrate it into my shots and stuff for the day.
so that way i never felt out or anything. but i still love hallooween, diabetes or candy or not haha(:
ironically, i am going to be with like 30 diabetics for halloween this year, too ahah
I always ate some candy on Halloween, so I don't remember feeling too bad about it.
Rachel ... 30 diabetics on Halloween. I'm imagining the costumes. Insulin Pump, Lancet, Glucose Tabs, a big ketone strip...
[quote user="Sarah"]
I always ate some candy on Halloween, so I don't remember feeling too bad about it.
Rachel ... 30 diabetics on Halloween. I'm imagining the costumes. Insulin Pump, Lancet, Glucose Tabs, a big ketone strip...
Depending on your neighborhood, costuming as a big ketone strip could really be asking for some nasty pranks.
[quote user="Angie13"]
[quote user="Sarah"]
I always ate some candy on Halloween, so I don't remember feeling too bad about it.
Rachel ... 30 diabetics on Halloween. I'm imagining the costumes. Insulin Pump, Lancet, Glucose Tabs, a big ketone strip...
Depending on your neighborhood, costuming as a big ketone strip could really be asking for some nasty pranks.
[/quote]i wanted to be something diabetes related for hallowen but my parents vetoed that idea
The first couple of halloweens with Diabetes, my Mom and Dad took the entire family to the movies. The first year we saw "The Muppet Movie" and the second year we saw "Empire Strikes Back" (yes, I know those title date me somewhat).
It became the family thing to do something else on Halloween, bowl, movie, etc. As a result, I never trick or treated afterwards as a child. Now as an adult, I go to costume parties and I find I have no imagination for a costume. :(]
I was diagnosed with Type 1 as an adult, so I used to get the candy for Halloween. Mom allowed us only one piece of candy per day (from our huge bags!) but we kids would always find where she hid our bags and eat a lot. My sister was good about rationing, but I just ate a lot of candy. Too funny. These days, I limit myself to really excellent dark chocolate. It's low in carbs. I will be in the Bahamas for Halloween.
any1 have good tips it my 1st halloween with diabetes
i needed that laugh...thank you!!!!!!!!!!
Idk if I'm going out this year, but in years past I just ate my candy and bolused. No fair having family chowing down an me eating my tofu :)
tofu? um...ew? lol do u really or just kidding? and if you do, any suggestions for making it taste good?