Since I'm already stressing, may as well project a little further into the future.
What are we (as parents) supposed to do about Halloween and all the other sugar-ladened holidays which follow?!? I don't think there's any way we can forgo trick-or-treating around the neighborhood, because my hubby is just waaaay too into the gig. And, how can I tell all THREE kids they're not to be eating huge piles of candy the moment they return home, just because their brother has T1? How, oh, HOW are we going to survive the holidays? <frantically panting> Call me neurotic, I like to plan ahead :)
SO, my first idea was a "carbs for cash" exchange. A Costco-sized container of Jelly-Belly jelly beans contains approximately 1,665 grams of carbs. I figure if I offered 1 US cent per carb, that'd be $16.65 for the equivalent of one container of Jelly-Belly's...enough to purchase one video game at Game Stop. Since our son with T1 happens to also be enthralled with video games, maybe this could work?
Or, is this just one more sign of parental desperation?
Trying hard to laugh at myself...
Mo :)