Get to see my endo on friday

Friday, My mom and I are going to Grand Rapis to see my endo..I get to see what my new A1C is and I also Have to have blood work done....I will let all of u kown once I get back how it want with my endo

good luck!

Good Luck Jaimie ; )

Good luck Jaimie!

May the Force be with you!!! I don't know just had to be different. LOL

[quote user="Jaimie Rose Chaffin"]

Friday, My mom and I are going to Grand Rapis to see my endo..I get to see what my new A1C is and I also Have to have blood work done....I will let all of u kown once I get back how it want with my endo


Good luck on the A1C and bloodwork!

I hope everything goes super awesome, Jaimie!  :)

Thanks Everyone for the good luck.....I was told by my doocter that I did a great job with my diabetes and My A1C = 6.1 They lowered my basel rate...And told me I was doing a great job With keeping my log book....I will let all of u kown how the blood work turned out.

fantastic, jaimie! that's an amazing a1c!!