Hi Gina,
Hope it went well!
I've had three children and a few things.
First one was not planned so I was horrified (1986)- that was 23 years ago so I think my AIC might have even been in the high 7's. Didn't know I was pregnant for a month so wasn't sure about my control and I was on 1 shot of Novolin a day with humulin injections whenever I ate. Once I found out I was pregnant, doc put me on a pump (I think it was the mini-med 502) so it was quite new back then and they had no idea if it would help pregnancy- I had a great doctor! then I stayed on a strict diet and kept my AIC's in the 6's. Mary was delivered by c-section (just to be on the safe side) 7 days early and weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz and was perfectly healthy.
Second and third pregnancies- Planned! my AIC's were actually in the high 6's- before conception- once pregnant, I have to say that I always seemed to be able to tighten up my management even better because the psychological fact I was caring for another human being- and kept them in the 5's and to 6.2
Second pregnancy in 1998- high risk OB told me at my first visit that research was showing that actually keeping my AIC's in the 5's would be better! I did it somehow!! Sam was delivered 10 days early by c-section perfectly healthy at 8 lbs. 2 oz.
Third pregnancy- in 2001- preconception AIC was 6.8 (doc would have really like it closer to 6) anyway, kept AIC 6.0-6.2 during pregnancy and get this- at that time, the same high risk OB then said it really was ok not to be in the 5's because there was the risk of having too many low's during pregnancy and they didn't know how much low's could effect the baby. Julia was delivered 9 days early by c-section perfectly healthy weighing 7lbs. 8 oz's.
By the way, I had top notch doctors and was on a pump with all three.
So, with that said, now in 2009, not sure what the doc's would be recommending- it certainly could change- but wanted to share how my pregnancies went to encourage you. Yes, I took super good care of myself. Actually, I had really good pregnancies with all three and my doc even encouraged me and said I could have more after my third! I was 36 when I had my last one, so no way!!!
I did have a couple of really bad days that I can remember- one where I changed my pump and forgot to prime it!!! so my sugars kept climbing one day and 4 hours into it when my BS hit 400 when I was 7 months pregnant did I realize I hadn't primed it and my tubing was empty- I had a melt down and thought I hurt the baby. Then another when I had the flu-what could I do about that- although miraculously, I kept my blood sugars in pretty good range with that bout- I just had to take them every hour!
When I was pregnant, I literally took my BS every two hours (not at night though) so would just keep adjusting. I would get up at least once a night or twice, more at the end since I couldn't sleep anyway, to test. Great preparation for getting no sleep when the baby is born- you will be trained at not getting much sleep so it won't be as shocking to you as it is for others!! and I was so relieved when the babies were born that I felt like I had so much more energy than most other new moms!
Keep up the good work on your management and just do the best you can! That is all one can do!