Can someone PLEASE tell me how you keep motivated and positive to not eat badly.
like this is the WORST battle for me. eating horribly. chocolate.. candies.. fast food.. like ive really tried to smarten up.. adn i can admit im better than i use to be.. but still. Im getting to the point of giving up again, also becasue when i was eating badly...i was a stick and now that I am eating more veggies and fruits, etc.. im gaining weight :(
sometimes weight gain is a good thing you know. do you have an exercise regiment that you stick to at all? anything that keeps you active? being a 'stick' is not necessarily a good thing either haha. eat healthy and try to have a balanced active life...sports, gym, dancing...anything that can burn the calories and give you a good feeling :) endorphins are fun!
I think that looking forward is a good way to manage. Think about consequences of not caring and not taking care of yourself. Is it worth losing sight/health in the long term because you don't feel like taking care of yourself in the short-term?
Now that you're eating healthier you're gaining weight? That seems odd to me. You have to train your mind to think that this poor eating habit makes you feel horrible, take everything in moderation. Exercise? :/
For me, I know what certain foods will do to me, and that deters me. I also don't like the feeling of letting myself down by having wacky blood sugars as a result of poor food choices. Also, if it helps, read the ingredient list and nutritional info on fast food before you eat it. Most of the time, that's enough to make me not want it anymore. :)
i run on the treadmill, do wiifit. See my problem is, at the time.. i eat the food and i really dont care, its AFTER i eat it that i get guilty and face the consequences. lol Im not like tiny, but im getting a very bloated tummy now and well.. when your use to being smaller.. its frustrating.
Does anyone have any like healthier food suggestions that could kick my chocolate, etc habits
Hmm, your gaining weight? Well, you are injecting yourself with insulin now. So if you are currently active you may be feeling like you need to eat more. In turn, your eating more that your body is burning calories and now with that insulin boost it is storing the leftover calories as fat. However, there is an alternate idea. It could also be that because of the insulin, diet and exercise that you are now gaining more muscle cause the insulin is allowing your muscles to absorb that much more nutrients.
You know, I am sure we all get cravings. I strongly believe, and so do many people that I talk to who are bodybuilders and fitness model / competitors, that the best way to stay on a strict/healthy diet is to allow yourself to cheat (within reason).... This way you do not overindulge....
Also, I try to refrain from having "junk" at home... if it's there, I'll eat it. That way, I must really be craving it if I'm willing to leave the house to go out and buy it.
Also, I try to refrain from having "junk" at home... if it's there, I'll eat it. That way, I must really be craving it if I'm willing to leave the house to go out and buy it.
agreed, it helped me a lot to focus on not buying "junk" food. and when i make dinner, i usually go to the store and pick stuff out, rather than having frozen foods, etc in the freezer to make.
also, not drinking diet pop especially helped me. i don't know if it helped me lose weight(i've always hoovered between 140-150..tho i'm now at 165 due to eating more regularly/healthier and having had to halt exercise due to a busier work/social schedule and injuries for the time being) but it did help me lose a lot of my stomach chubbiness which helped me feel better.
i run on the treadmill, do wiifit. See my problem is, at the time.. i eat the food and i really dont care, its AFTER i eat it that i get guilty and face the consequences. lol Im not like tiny, but im getting a very bloated tummy now and well.. when your use to being smaller.. its frustrating.
I hear ya! It IS frustrating when you used to be smaller...but I'm going to tell you something that maybe you don't want to hear, but I think is the honest truth: As you get older, your body changes and you're not going to be the same shape you were when you were 20 years old. I don't even think you can blame insulin and diabetes (although it can be convienent) because even my female friends who are not diabetic notice the same changes in their bodies. I'm pretty short and have always been a fairly thin (not super-skinny) person, but my body defintely changed somewhere around the time I was 24 or 25. I've definitely got bigger thighs and my tummy is a little big jigglier. Now I'm about to turn 30 and I've had a baby and of course, my body has changed again. I've got a little more "junk in the trunk" and where I used to gain weight in my thighs and arms (if I gained at all) I now notice my belly holds a little more fat...I'm still thin and still wear the same size clothes as I did when I was 20, but things are just DIFFERENT.
I try to focus on excercising to feel healthy and focus on how I FEEL in my clothes and focus less on how I look. When I've put in an extra long work-out session, that usually helps me curb bad eating habits ( and trust me, I LOVE junk food) because I don't want to undo the hard work I've done. But don't deprive yourself - I let myself have one small treat a day and I eat fast food maybe once a week. If I tried to cut it all out completely, I know I'd have problems with binge-eating that stuff! I know that body-image is something that most women struggle with for most of their lives, and it's too bad because I bet you are very beautiful and many people probably envy the way you look.
I also forgot to add that it's pretty common to initially gain weight when you first start or amp up an excercise regimen. You may start building more muscle, which weighs more than fat. Keep it up though, because eventually you start to see weight loss as you build more muscle. Muscle will burn more calories even when you're at rest. I try to not ever even step on a scale (except at the doctor's office). A much better measurement of your success is to use a tape measure and see if your losing inches, or just go by how snug your clothes feel.
Is there a healthier food that you love? I love fruit, so when I am craving something sweet, I try to eat fruit instead of chocolate. I'm in a nutrition class right now, and my professor said that if you are thinking about eating a cookie or something, instead visualize yourself going to the fridge for an apple. Visualizing it is supposed to make it easier to actually follow through. Good luck, I totally know how you feel!
I don't always eat the right thing, but when I do eat junk I eat it in moderation. If I crave something I go ahead and have a little. I do that so that if/when I do get my paws on it I don't eat it to the point that it becomes a major problem. I also stay active as much as I can. I eat very small meals throughout the day, but they are more the size of snacks. I started gaining weight after getting back on the pump and getting my sugars under control. When you have your sugars under control your body isn't eating its self up so you gain weight easier. I would suggest that you just stay active, walk when you can and run when you are mad. Stay safe and don't give up :)