Found Out I'm Pregnant Today! :)

Hello everyone! Today i got my blood work back, and I’m 4 weeks pregnant! My fiancé and I are so excited, but we are also very nervous, because I’m type 1 diabetic. I suspected that I might be pregnant, so I changed my diet weeks ago, and I’ve been trying to keep my numbers low 80-120. I have a long way to go and could use some good advice. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Congratulations!!!!! That's wonderful that you have been able to keep your sugars in such good control. Are you planning to see a reproductive endocrinologist?

Thank you! Before I got pregnant, my numbers were not as good...would get occasional highs and lows, so I'm definitely nervous now that I'm pregnant. I have an ob and an endocrinologist. Would a reproductive endocrinologist be better? I want to make sure I keep good numbers and have good specialist helping me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)

Heyyyyy i am 4 weeks pregnant as well, 25 yrs old with infertility issues so i under stand the stress!!! I meet with a nurse next week at my ob for my intake (paperworl, docs, appts) and ive been emailing my endo every week with sugars and pump downloads, she’s referring me to a diabetic dietician because i am. picky Eater…eating healthy but my burrito habit is badddd. I am due October 17th, you? Congrats!!!

How exciting! When I first found out i was pregnant they told me i needed to keep my blood sugars between 60-90. It felt impossible at first but, I was able to get my a1c for after 3 months and then hold a steady a1c 6.5 for almost the entire time until the end where it went up a bit to 6.7-8 because of insulin resistance. Eating the same types of things and really strict checking every two hours really helps. Also, walking or some sort of exercise also helps although in the beginning and in the end you are very tired. Months 5-7 are really great though, like you get all of this crazy energy but when month 7 comes you are starting to decline in the energy dept.

The best thing to do is try to stay as calm as you can during the pregnancy. I know that sounds completely impossible but it really helps to not over think everything. I am a bit high strung and narotic by nature but, I surprised myself and hardly stressed out throughout my pregnancy which is totally not my personality.

This forum is really great so I would check out the older threads, you will get some great advice from just reading those threads.

Good luck and if you need anything please let me know!


Congratulations!  Just because you have type 1 diabetes doesn't mean you can't have a healthy baby and pregnancy.  There are lots of us who have done it.

Make sure to find an OBGYN who you really like.  As a type 1 mom your pregnancy will be considered high risk and you'll have more doctor visits than other moms.  The things that will help you:

* Eat the same breakfast every day so it was easy to see when insulin needed to be adjusted.  With pregnancy your dose will increase slowly, but steadily through the first months.  Then in the 3rd trimester you increase your dose almost daily.

* Refresh your carb counting skills.  I checked everything in my Calorie King book.  I didn't restrict my diet, but made sure I took insulin to cover what I ate.

* Aim for a lower target blood sugar (get your doctors recommendation on an appropriate level).  It should be as low as possible, but not cause any low blood sugars because they are bad for your baby's neurological development.  I aimed for 80 and tested a lot to make sure I didn't have lows.

* Take your insulin, eat, then test an hour after eating to see if you need a correction bolus.  This will help prevent post-meal spikes.  

* Read Cheryl Alkon's book "Balancing Pregnancy with Preexisting Diabetes" and  seek out any information you can find on moms with well controlled diabetes.  So many of the research studies on diabetic moms are on type 2, or uncontrolled moms and were conducted years before insulin pumps and modern insulins that now allow us to have better control.  

* Enjoy your pregnancy.  My doctor, husband, and I knew that despite having diabetes my pregnancy was super healthy.  I ignored anyone who gave me a worried look or asked if I'd seen "Steele Magnolias."  

I'm due on oct. 25th! Our due dates are close! :) good Luck and many blessings!