Foods you pray your low for?

So what foods do you keep around "for when I'm low"?  And I mean good stuff, not like jellybeans or orange juice.  The stuff that no one else is allowed to touch because "it's for when I'm low."

Me, I keep 'Oreo + Peanut Butter cup Sandwiches' (ie. take an oreo, open it, place a Reese peanut butter cup on it, replace the lid.  18g carb each).  I have to keep them in the freezer, otherwise I'd eat em all. 

I take three half graham crackers, put peanut butter, nutella, and marshmallow fluff in between them, and eat them. 24 g of carb and seems to give me a pretty constant release so I don't go low again. 

We started using apple juice almost immediately after my daughter was diagnosed, mostly because it's easy to keep around. She's never liked juice of any sort (could never even get her to drink apple before the diabetes), but after she tried those glucose tablets (and gagged) she decided apple juice was pretty good! I've never tried anything else because she hasn't had many lows and they're almost always at school right before lunch. However, she keeps a can of apple juice in her purse, I have one in my purse, we have a stack in the cupboard, a stack in the nurses office at school, and her teacher has one. We also bought frosting in case she was too low for juice, and those are strategically placed as well, though we've never used any of them yet (knock on wood...)

I did find out last week that her daycare started using quesadillas when she's low. Apparently it's worked well and she's been very happy with it, so I guess there are lots of acceptable options.

Whenever there are oranges or good fruit snacks in the house, no one can touch them besides me. I don't really like drinking juice for lows and I am obsessed with oranges for some reason haha

Since I am the only diabetic in the house, I use what ever is here. Banana Cream pie, piece of fruit, Ben and Jerry's, etc...

I always eat a banana when I'm low. I love them, and they raise my blood sugar faster than other foods. Yesterday my blood sugar was 54 and I ate a banana with nutella on it and 30 minutes later, I was back to normal.

[quote user="Mandy "]

I always eat a banana when I'm low. I love them, and they raise my blood sugar faster than other foods. Yesterday my blood sugar was 54 and I ate a banana with nutella on it and 30 minutes later, I was back to normal.


Banana with Hazelnut and chocolate, Ok, now I want that!!! LOL

[quote user="Mandy "]

I always eat a banana when I'm low. I love them, and they raise my blood sugar faster than other foods. Yesterday my blood sugar was 54 and I ate a banana with nutella on it and 30 minutes later, I was back to normal.


Bananas have a pretty high glycemic index, which would help explain its efficacy in raising glucose rapidly.

As for me, I don't really keep any particular foods around when low.  I just ingest juice for most of my lows.  Liquid is nice and easy to get down, particularly during those lows where solid food may be a bit of a struggle to break down normally.

RED VINES!!!  They are my absolute favorite candy ever - even though it's pretty much like eating red plastic...I can't help it, I think they're delicious!  In my former life, I could eat an entire box in one sitting.  Now that I have to have more self control, I love to pig out on them when I'm low.  Everyone knows they better stay away because if I'm low and there's none in the pantry, someone will pay! lol!

M&M's!!!! I keep a giant Costco size bag of them with a 1/8c measuring cup inside. I scoop once with the measuring cup and they melt in my mouth, not my hand.  15g carb.

I love chocolate.

YES on the Red Vines!  Those and Gummy (Gummi?) Bears.   I was obsessed with sour gummies for a while, but then the bag would open in my purse and that sour powder went everywhere!  haha

I never had a glucose tab.  To me they're just like expensive Sweet Tarts (which I totally burned out on....I can't ever have Sweet Tarts again!).

[quote user="Candace"]

RED VINES!!!  They are my absolute favorite candy ever - even though it's pretty much like eating red plastic...I can't help it, I think they're delicious!  In my former life, I could eat an entire box in one sitting.  Now that I have to have more self control, I love to pig out on them when I'm low.  Everyone knows they better stay away because if I'm low and there's none in the pantry, someone will pay! lol!



TOTALLY agree :)

When I do anything like that and put it on my records, my diabetes educators scold me for treating a low with something that has fat in it.  :(  So I do no-fat-no-fiber stuff for that first treatment... but then I might follow it with a chocolate chip cookie "to stabalize my bg."  :)

what a fantastic idea... you need to get a patent for your "recipe."

Reese's peanut butter cups or graham crackers with peanut butter!!!!  Peanut butter is a major weakness for me!!!