I have been a Diabetic since October 2002 and was on the pump since January 2003 until this past July because my A1C just kept going up and up and up, I decided to take myself off and switch to injetions and apparently theyy workedd because I got my A1C back today and it was 8.5 :)
nice job, kristie! lowering your a1c takes a lot of hard work :o)
That is great that by using injections you have lowered your A1C. At least you can be more certain that you are getting your insulin doses at all times.
Way to go!
Nice work! Be proud and keep at it! :)
Way to go!!
That's great news!! I'm happy you were able to figure out the pump wasn't for you and took care of the situation. Keep up the good work!!
Congratulations! That's awesome.
Yay! That's awesome! :D
Thankss guysss :)
My BG's went down when I got on the pump...I can't be on injections anymore because I'm not getting the hourly basal and I don't feel like giving myself an injection every hour. I recently got the Dexcom and my A1c dropped from a 9.2 to a 7.3! :)
[quote user="Caitlin"]
My BG's went down when I got on the pump...I can't be on injections anymore because I'm not getting the hourly basal and I don't feel like giving myself an injection every hour. I recently got the Dexcom and my A1c dropped from a 9.2 to a 7.3! :)
[/quote]I dont give an injection every hour i have a "long acting" insulin as they call it which serves as a basal so i give that and it covers me through the day and i just cover for food and high sugars