My wife has switched to G6 and we have 12 G5 unopened sensors that are not expired and 4 that have expired. In addition we have 4 boxes of lancets that she no longer uses, 4 boxes of Contour One touch test strips and 4 boxes of expired test strips. We also have a bag of 100 insulin syringes.
We have several boxes of the Unomedical comfort inserts for the Animas pump and several boxes of 2 ml cartridges for the Animas pump.
If anyone is interested in any or all of these supplies please let me know
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Hello @ronadvani welcome to TypeOneNation. Thank you for your thoughtful offer I am sure someone could use these. You can also try your endocrinologist office to see if someone could benefit from the supplies as well. Thanks again !
I would most definitely be interested if you still have some of these. Please let me know and thank you so much
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