Expired Test Strips

For a couple of years, I rarely checked my blood sugars-- probably about once every three days. Now that I have gotten back on track and checking 5-7 times a day, I have realized how many expired test strips I have. Most of them expired in September 2009. I do not want to throw them away. Does anyone know of any ways to recycle them. Or could they still be usable?

I know my meter knows when the strips are out of date and won't use them!!! Accu-Chek Aviva. This is just me!! I wouldn't take the chance. I don't think there is any way to recycle because normally they are a bio-hazard (the blood). You could make little girders and build stuff, I don't know just kidding.

[quote user="Abigail"]

For a couple of years, I rarely checked my blood sugars-- probably about once every three days. Now that I have gotten back on track and checking 5-7 times a day, I have realized how many expired test strips I have. Most of them expired in September 2009. I do not want to throw them away. Does anyone know of any ways to recycle them. Or could they still be usable?


I don't know if you can recycle them or not, but I wouldn't recommend using them because test strips that old can give false readings.

i would call the pharmacy and ask if they take expired strips. i'm sure they do. and like everyone has said, don't use them!

I agree to ask your pharmacist about recycling them and don't use them.  My father had a habit of using expired test strips then once  he got the wrong reading.  It read in the 400s.  He test a second time to confirm (b/c this is not normal for him and he was not symptomatic at all). So he gave himself a correction.  Needless to say in less than an hour he was on the floor.  His sugar then was in the 30s and we figured it had to be a false reading because to drop from 400 to 30 in an hour, I don't think, is possible.

I also agree with everyone:  for the sake of your health, don't take the chance, don't use them!

I also like Keith's idea of building something...  I love making crafts out of... well... "stuff"!  Get creative!  Send pics!!!

hi Abigail :) It's hard to throw them away but it's the only way to stay safe.I had a full bottle of strips that got put back and forgotten :( expired....I called the company that made them and asked if they were safe to use-she said throw them in the garbage now and I will send you a replacement.I read the numbers off the bottle and she was true to her word,ha..Made me feel better.You could try that and see what happens ,Best Wishes :)

Yeah, call the company and they should send you replacement strips. Ive done this with two different companies. I think One touch wanted me to send them the expired strips but the other company had me throw them out.

I think it depends on what kind of meter you have.  I've used expired one touch ultra strips with no problem and currently have expired freestyle test strips I'm using.  They're expensive, so it's worth trying anyways.

i ues expired strips all the time i have the one touch  ultra. 

[quote user="honeymead"]

I think it depends on what kind of meter you have.  I've used expired one touch ultra strips with no problem and currently have expired freestyle test strips I'm using.  They're expensive, so it's worth trying anyways.



I have freestyle flash strips too... Have there been any problems with calibrating?