Experience between minimed vs. animas

I am looking for some input on switching from the minimed pump to the animas vibe. I have been with medtronic for 10+ years (and not a fan of change) but currently am thinking about switching to animas. I am considering this because I have heard really great reviews on the dexcom cgm and I haven’t been to pleased with the accuracy of the minimed cgm. I am just looking for people’s input and experiences between the two pumps and why you like and/or dislike them.

I have years of experience with Minimed, Animas, and Dexcom. Of the three, Dexcom seems to be the most reliable.
I used a much earlier version of the Minimed CGM, so maybe it has improved, but I’ve heard the same as you. Dexcom is more reliable and more accurate. In my experience it is easier to insert and more comfortable.
I was pretty fed up with the Minimed pump I had when I moved to Animas, but I have not been thrilled with the user interface of my Animas Ping. It seems as needlessly complicated as Minimed did.
I rate the customer service of Minimed a little higher than Animas, but lower than Dexcom.
If I was going to make the decision you’re making, I’d probably go with the Vibe.
I’m thinking of trying either a Snap or a T-slim the next time I change pumps, though and keeping my Dexcom separate.

I was on the Minimed for a few years, both pump and CGM, for years before switching to the Animas and Dexcom 4 years ago. The Minimed cgm was always horrible and the Dexcom is far superior. I like the Animas pump and fount it to be quieter and more intuitive than the Minimed.

Now that being said, after 4 years I am tired of the Animas interface and having to press so many buttons to do anything. I just got my new T-slim and so far am very happy with it. Much more intuitive UI and I like the touch interface rather than rubber buttons.

I have experience with Minimed and I currently have an Animas pump. I love my Dexcom, I can’t say enough good things about it. I have been diabetic for nearly my entire life and have had many new devices etc… and none have so positively impacted my life as the Dexcom. I can really fine tune my doses, exercise more safely than I ever have before, wake up for night time lows, monitor the impact of certain foods, illness, the list goes on and on. It is always very close and when it is slightly off you can bet the trend arrows are correct, if it says it’s going up or down it certainly is. Now for the pumps, I prefer the Animas over Minimed and I have also tried the T-slim. The button pushing doesn’t bother me at all, the positives far outweigh this. I do not have the Vibe because for my lifestyle I cannot give up the remote bolusing, it is invaluable to me and I do not mind carrying my Dexcom separately. I would rather do that than fish my pump out to see my blood sugar (I often wear dresses and business attire for work). I know that may not be an issue for everyone considering the pump but it was a factor for me. If you do consider the T-slim I would suggest seeing a site change in person, it is quite a production and takes longer. The touchscreen is nice of course but there were not enough of the things I like to switch for me. One more thing about the Dexcom, I just got a free upgrade to the version with “share” so I can view my Dexcom on my phone which is great too!

Thank you for all the advice and comments! I definitely think I am going to get the Dexcom/Animas Vibe. It sounds so much more reliable and comfortable and I am excited to start on something that will actually be accurate.