Emotional Hangups - Starting on a Pump

I’ve had diabetes for almost 26 years and I started on a pump for the first time yesterday, a Minimed 630 +CGM.

I’ve been on two different insulin regimes over the years, first 12 years was a mix of NpH and Regular, followed up by 14 years of Novolog Pens and Lantus.

I’d been playing with the idea of a pump for a long time, but was never comfortable with the idea of being attached to something. I recently tried out the Dexcom CGM for about a year and was impressed by it. Followed up with changing insurances and cost effectiveness, the pump was looking like a really good idea.

The last couple of days though, I’ve been having pretty extreme emotional ups and downs between the idea of giving up some of the control I have over my insulin delivery and being attached to a device.

I find it a bit jarring to change up my regime after almost 14 years.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Hi Adam @AG.Typeone,

Relax and go with the pump and then feel your liberation.

You sound like me with your resistance to get tied to a pump; for about 25 years I block out mu doctors when they suggested that I pump until about a dozen years ago I decided “to give it a try”. I didn’t want to let a mechanical device set my routine.

How wrong I was - the pump, once I got the various basal rates set and figured my bolus ratios (yes, the endocrinologist I was seeing then suggested that I figure out that stuff myself) I quickly learned that I was able to SAFELY vary my meal times and the foods I would eat and that I could easily manage exercise. The “skipping” a meal time and having faith in the bolus rate that was running enhanced my business schedules and travel across time zones, etc. Yes, I periodically validate my basal rates by extended fasting periods and frequent monitoring to make sure that my BG stays within my set target ranges.

I do not use CGM; I’ve heard some wonderful feedback on the
Minimed 630. I’ve used three different Minimed models.

Best Wishes for you!

Change is never easy, no matter what that change may be. I hooked up to a pump 16 years ago and haven’t looked back. I found it gave me a tremendous amount of freedom. I couldn’t imagine my life without s pump hooked to my hip, always at my fingertips and with a CGM (or the Dexcom), knowing how I’m doing at any given moment.

I’m actually in the process of change too - from the Medtronic 530G with Enlite to T-Slim with the Dexcom. Change can be good and motivating. Good luck pumping.

For me getting a pump was complete liberation. I was diagnosed in high school and stuck with a regimented schedule of Nph and Regular that didn’t have any allowances for late band practices or early football games. But there was a definite learning curve. It’s a different way of thinking and takes some time to get used to. Just keep going with it for a while. There are pros and cons to every insulin delivery method out there.

Btw, a great book to look into for better pumping and making the best use of your cgms is called “Sugar Surfing” by Stephen Ponder and Kevin McMahan. It will really help you understand the devices and how to use them. (He has also used his methods for insulin by injections in combination with a cgms).

Hi. I was on syringes for 45 yrs before trying the pump. I won’t go back. Lantus wasn’t out when I switched.

Now on the medtronic. The pump is okay, but their CGM stinks; it is way inaccurate. Two months ago I went over to Dexcom 5 CGM and I could not believe something so accurate was out. I will stay on Dexcom and just use the Medtronic pump until the warranty runs out.

Next Spring, Medtronic will have on the market the first approved closed loop control system, with a brand new sensor. If I were you, if you are inside the 30 day window, I would return the pump, and go back to the syringe and the Dexcom until the closed loop system hits the market. Then go with Medtronic.

It took me awhile to get my bgs under control after the change, but once your body gets used to it and you really get the hang of it, it’s awesome. You have so much control. The ONLY bummer really if if there is a site issue and your bg goes high. But if you’ve got spare pens, just keep one around in case you need it. Otherwise, a site change quickly solves the problem.

Good luck and give it a few months!

Thank you all for the kind words :slight_smile:

I’ve been getting more and more used to it over the last couple of days. I’m definitely accepting it more and more the longer I use it.

@davyboy - The closed loop system that they’ll be releasing next year is what made me finally pull the trigger on switching :), since I just started with them, I’ll be in the first wave of availability for it/ I really liked the Dexcom for the sensor profile, manual insertion method and the accuracy, but with insurance being insurance (I know right?), they stopped covering Dexcom, so the RX is too expensive to keep up with now.

I was sceptical like you. My daughter and I used the pump for a year. We have never gone back.

We use the PredictBGL app. Same dose calculation and tracking of active insulin, and far better user experience in every way.

It obviously does not inject. So if that’s your key bug-bear, only a pump will solve it. But if you’re after more accurate dosing, then this app is the bee’s knees.