Eating disorders

Hey guys,


I know I'm not the only one on here who's had issues with eating disorders and food and all that fun stuff. So I thought some of you might like to see the article I wrote for Teen Voices mag. I don't mention diabetes in it, but diabetes was and is a huge factor for me in the whole thing. If any of you can give feedback or leave comments on the page, I would soooooo appreciate that. :) Here's the link: It's called "Advice from the Throes of Quasi-Sanity".




Hey Emily,

You are so brave to write this, I am sure it will touch many people.  Please, please nourish yourself it is unbelievably important.  Instead of counting calories try to fill your body with nutrition:-)

love and light is everywhere, Jess

Jess, your message made my day. :) Thank you. I do try to fill my body with nutrition instead of numbers. It's not easy, but I try every day.

I am so happy I could help!!  and I am so happy you are doing well! Keep the awesome work up!

Love, Jess

Your article is excellent Emily.  Eating disorders only exist if you lie and protect them.  They're based on feelings and feelings are not reality.  You are sane and you are on the right track.  Keep going.  


Do take deep breath in fresh air,

Take multivitamin regularly, Share your problems with your family,

Avoid alcohol, caffeine and other stimulants...

Thank you, Carter. Small pieces of advice like that encourage me - and others - to take things just one step at a time.


So first of all, thank you so much for sharing your story. I have had type 1 diabetes (along with multiple other autoimmune and chronic health problems) for years, and I never thought about online support until I just saw your post. I have been struggling for years with maintaining a healthy body with also having diabetes. I am aware that most people would look at me and say that I was in good shape and looked fit, but I never felt that way. It wasn't until last year, when I had a large amount of anger that I had been suppressing for years over all my health problems and the death of my father that I finally "exploded" and began purging. I am very lucky in that after feeling ridicuously shameful after this one time I went to extreme lengths to purge after a binge, that I realized I needed help. I still really struggle with binges when my blood sugar goes low, because I have that sudden craving and fear that I need to eat everything in sight. The worst is I don't have the problem when my blood sugar isn't low, but once it goes low, everything I know goes out the window. That being said, I am doing so much better and getting the therapy I need.

But in short, thank you so much for sharing this. It just helps so much to know that there's someone else out there who is doing well after having a similar problem. It's been 5 months since my last purge, and I am hoping that I can stop the bingeing for good soon.

Best of luck with everything!


Thank you, Kath! I truly hope that your happiness and self-confidence increase. Hypoglycemia is so annoying in its forcing hunger that isn't even there. I so get where you're coming from.