im a senior in highschool at this point in time, but i want to put into concideration when applying for colleges, weather or not to choose to live in the dorms, or live in an appt. pretty much im just interested in hearing some experiences, for both situations. obviously diabetes related responses would be nice. im going to a 2 year college for the first two years, then a transfer to a 4 year. if that helps any more for info. lol
I did not enjoy the dorms very much. It is what you prefer but if you are going to college with a friend talk to the disability services at the school and talk to them about rooming with someone you know. I knew my roommate and that was really helpful. Being in a loft with low blood sugar and having a friend there to help you when you need it is very nice. Living in an apartment is nice too because you can always make noise when you are low and not have to worry about a roommate. If you have any more questions let me know. Hope this helps!
Everyone is different. I loved the dorm my freshman year and worked as a dorm resident assistant my sophomore. Usually by your 3rd year you're ready to get a student apartment on campus or rent a place with friends.
Starting college at a 2-year school is so smart. My husband did and said his community college professors were the best he had. He later did well at a large university and law school, but with so much less student debt than if he'd started at a university. Hope you love school and do great.
From what I am reading, I think you would be better off dorming your first few semesters. In my first year, I dormed with someone VERY similar to myself -- minus the diabetes. On the first day we met, I explained that I was diabetic and if she noticed I was not acting right, to give me some juice. She also put my dads phone number on speed dial JUST IN CASE! There was no issues, but I was happy that she was aware. Only problem was that I needed to get special permission from the school to put a mini fridge in my dorm room. Our entire floor shared 2 fridges --- but there was NO WAY I was putting, and leaving, my insulin and juice and snacks in there. God forbid someone steals my snacks or insulin when I really need it!
My 2nd year I dormed with a good friend of mine. She knew I was diabetic, bought special treats we could both eat, and was super understanding.... but I never really explained to her what diabetes meant and/or entailed. By that point I was on a insulin pump, and was having a good time in college -- with an average BS of about 180. One night, I was up all night working on a paper, super stressed out, and didn't sleep til almost 5am (with class at 9). My roomie went to sleep at normal time, and woke up, left for class, did her normal thing, not realizing that I had slept through my entire class and almost the entire day! I think it was about 1pm when I woke up, tried to get outta my bed, and my legs collapsed. I literally pulled myself across the floor of our dorm to the fridge to get juice. Took me about 20 mins to do that -- but I couldnt reach my cell phone to call for help either. I sat on the floor for a while, hoping it would go up. I got lucky that EMT's weren't called that day. My professor was OK and didnt punish me for missing class that day.
I went back to school, and now am in my senior year. I currently have an apartment with my boyfriend (who's not a college student) and it all seems to be alright. I tend to have low mornings, and he'll wake me up because he hears my CGM going off. Honestly, he has been a lifesaver for me -- and I think it is important to know you will always have someone there to help at those times of need. I would and could never live alone.
wherever you choose to live-- make sure to get to know your RA! When I got the stomach flu my freshman year, my mother was so worried (and 400 miles away so she couldn't be there to help me) but my RA took care of me and made sure I was okay. Just make sure you won't get lost in the shuffle-- and be sure to tell your friends you have diabetes because in college, your friends become your family! :)
Have not checked this in so long!! I stayed with my plan! attending a 2 year uw college in the fall:) I have not yet recived my roommate yet, but I do know my college is aware of my situation. reading all these responses now, im glad I stayed with the 2 year!!:) I do have another question tho, what do I do if my roommate doesn't want to help, or is rude and eats my food or something. uk? more like the problem things
I really hope, for your sake, that your roommate will be willing to help you. I have never been around someone who was totally unwilling to be understanding of diabetes. I feel you get more problems with those who become the "diabetic police." I would keep a stash of food hidden away in one of your personal drawers, and maybe not even tell your roommate about the drawer so they wouldn't help themselves to your stash. Most colleges give you the option of switching roommates if there is a problem, normally after you attend a meeting with the roommate, Resident Adviser, or even Resident Director. If you do have any issues, I would try to arrange a meeting with your roommate and these higher-up housing people to try and get it figured out.
Good luck!
Living on campus was one of the best choices I made when starting college. I had some of the best experiences, and met some amazing people when living on campus. I have lived with the same person since my freshmen year, (I'm about to start my senior year) and it has been great!
I think that there are pros and cons of each living situation. When I was in the dorms I enjoyed it from the social standpoint. Everyone was looking for new friends and there were activities if you wanted to go to them. It was somewhat structured so you were not completely lost during your first year. From a diabetic standpoint being the dorms was nice because you shared a dorm room and your roommate can kind of look out for you if need be, (you get to low in the night, they are there if you need help). A problem I faced with the dorms though was the buffet style meals they had. There weren't really carb counts, everything was a guessing game, and the portions were wacky.
Now that I live in an apartment, I enjoy the freedom of doing what I want and when I want. Less weird rules aka "quiet hours" and yes more responsibility but at the same time time more freedom. I can make my own meals, I am not worried about people coming to my room when I have diabetes supplies. It's a lot more controlled environment. Living on my own has giving me more control over my diabetes just because a lot more things are in my hands and not dependent on others and I very much enjoy the independence.
Honestly, I do like the apartments better BUT for the freshman year I do not regret living in the dorms. It's a toss up and sorry if I confused you more but honestly I am still confused on all of it myself. :/
I lived in the dorm for the whole time I was at college except for one semester. Dorm is great. Cafeteria serves up 3 squares a day without you having to shop and cook etc. When I was in the dorm carb counting hadn't been invented yet. You also don't have to clean house as you only have one room AND you don't have to fool with paying utilities/rent/etc. And class is close.
At my dorm if you were a diabetic you could rent a mini fridge for your room to keep your insulin in.
I told my room mates about D but have never been one to tell a whole lot about it to people. Don't want them to think I'm some kind of medical case. But my room mate who turned out to be a good friend was able to help me a few times.
College is the time hang loose and have fun (and study!) I'd suggest dorm. Embrace the culture and get to meet and interact with a lot of different kind of people. have fun!