Does anyone else have a thyroid condition?

Also, I am currently feeling horrible, alternating between being too hot and sweaty and getting chills and my doctor can't get me in for several weeks. This thyroid thing is a nightmare.

I  was diagnosed with a thyroid condition and have been on levo for about 4 years.  My DR. won't put me on a generic version of levo ...She thinks its less effective. Is the weight gain the only difference you noticed?Just a liitlle less than a week ago I was diagnosed with diabetes. I have noticed my thryroid and diabetes symptoms to have some similarities.

A month before being dx'd type 1, I was dx'd with a hyperthyriod. I had every symptom there is and had lost 14 lbs in 2 weeks at one point. Of course I was eating like a pig all time but it didn't matter. I took a radiation pill to shink the groiter and it worked. They got my dose right and thankfully I don't take any medication because it leveled out on it's own after the radiation pill. That was 11 yrs ago. Because of the Graves which caused my eyes to buldge, I had surgery in 2001 to remove that tissue build-up behind them.  

I was diagnosed with Hoshimoto's disease which is a fancy name for hypthroidism at the same time I was diagnosed with T1.  I take a small dose of synthroid and my doctor won't substitute it with generic?  really don't know why - feel much better on the meds.

I was dx'ed with hypo only 3 weeks before i landed in emerge and was dx'ed with T1. They very much go hand in hand as does ciliacs desease (i have all three and was dx'ed with all three in that order).  Im on 75mcg of synthroid but only after complainging of major hair loss did they re-test to see if i needed to go up to 75

Well, I just learned today that I have Hashimoto's.  :(

For now, they said my thyroid levels have returned to normal (they did an additional test because I was showing some level of hypo a couple of weeks ago), but the inflammation I have in my thyroid is a sign of Hashimoto's.  It's not at the stage yet where it has to be treated, but it will eventually get there.  Oh well.  Just another one of those autoimmune dealies we type 1 folks have to handle, eh?