Diabetic Supplies Surplus

We are lucky, we have good insurance. That being said, we also have a surplus of extra supplies. We tried to donate them to our Endocrinologists Office, but they won’t take them. Does anyone know where I can donate them? I know that there are others that could use supplies, I hate to just throw them all out! Any recommendations are appreciated!!!


try doctors without borders, goodwill, or maybe a hospital; some of them operate charity/clinic offices.

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I will try those!!! Thank you!!!

As a diabetic educator…many hospitals with CDE’s can give you great places to donate. I know that Nebraska has an organization that will take surplus supplies for a tax deduction to you.

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I had a surplus of supplies such as syringes and the local health department couldn’t take them for re-circulation, but had suggested animal clinics. Pets with diabetes get expensive to take care of too!!

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Check with your endocrinologist and hospital diabetic learning center. Many learning centers accept supply and pump donations for others.

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Thanks all! I am going to look into those options! I really appreciate the help!!! :smile:

do you have xtra insulin bags and logbooks

I don’t have insulin or logbooks. Sorry

https://diatribe.org/do-you-have-extra-diabetes-supplies-you-no-longer-need. I have lots of humalog and syringes as CVS pharmacy gave us the incorrect ones numerous times.

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Hi Tracie,

Here’s a link provided by the American Diabetes Association on how you can go about donating extra supplies: http://www.diabetesforecast.org/2013/aug/how-to-donate-surplus-diabetes-supplies.html

I hope this helps!

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I don’t have insulin or logbooks. We do all of our stuff on the computer. Sorry!