There's a new Best Buy just about ready to open in my town, 10 minutes from my house. Perhaps I can get a job there installing auto sound and insulin pumps. I guess it's about 6 months now since Circuit City went out of business right across the street. That huge store is still empty. Why the heck didn't Best Buy just move in there? When I told this MD that I had installed it myself she looked at me kind of puzzled. She obviously thought it was some kind of surgically implanted artificial pancreas. She actually turned out to be a halfway decent doctor... just had a few gaps in her knowledge. Perhaps a trip to Best Buy would have solved that.
I keep finding used glucose meter strips in the freakiest places too. Under couch cushions, driveways, ballparks.
When I use to live in the bay I once saw a lancet just chillin' on a counter in Macy's. I was visiting my friend on his lunch break, and pointed it out to him because I was so excited. He then informed me that the esthetician uses them on people's pores. That was educational :)
I saw an infusion set on the staircase of one of my school's a few years back :) And I saw someone with a pump on the other day - which made my day. It's rare that I see another diabetic.
Did anyone else hear about the mistake Best Buy made? They advertised a 52-inch flat screen TV on their website, and mistakenly priced it at $9.99. Since it was advertised at that price, they had to sell it at that for the flood of people that saw it before they fixed it a few hours later. It was originally supposed to be like $3,000. What a deal for those who caught it. Haha.