
Can the dexcom G6 allow you to see more then just the 24 hour blood sugar record?

Hi Les @Type1strong, first, a Warm Welcome To TypeOneNation!

Readers/Receivers you may be using for DexCom CGM display only up to a maximum 24 hours of graph data. You can view detailed data in many formats including single days, overlaid weeks and of course use of AGP [an awesome tool] by using the DexCom Clarity application/program - available for multiple OS.

Awesome! Thanks for your help Dennis.

Yes our daughter has been on the G6 since June. If you download the clarity app you will get all kinds of information including average blood sugar estimated A1C and trending graphs. It’s really nice.

Thank you I have downloaded the app. It’s really cool to see what reports I can pull up. Thanks again

you can even login into your dexcom account and be able to access your clarity reports for each day upto 14 days of accurate data. It is super analytical and customizable. you can request dexcom to send weekly clarity reports to your email.

More accurately, Dexcom Clarity has “standard” display of data, graph, trend, etc… for 7 Days, 14 Days, 30 Days & 90 Days. In addition, a user can use the “Customary” to select any desired block of days.
One of the features I particularly study is the “Hourly” format under the “Statistics” tab - this assists me in adjusting basal rates and also confirms bolus ratio.
Enjoy the many interesting features - using the “Compare” to demonstrate how management has changed from month to month.

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