Dexcom G6 tape irritations

Anyone having issues with skin sensitivity with the g6 sensor? My son has been using them for over a year…and we go through waves of problems. Recently, he has only been able to tolerate a sensor for a few days, and his skin gets red, itchy, a even small bumps, like blisters. Other times, he gets a full 10 days, no problem. We’ve tried a few different barrier wipes, and even a sensitive tape underlay…nothing works. Luckily, they are good about replacing the sensor, but it’s getting old, and his skin takes a beating. One Dexcom rep said they changed the tape recently. Any suggestions?

hi @T1Dx2 with the 10 day sensor comes the dilemma of using an adhesive that can last 10 full days (and probably have skin/allergic reactions), and a lesser adhesive and have to replace more sensors. I hear that a common sensor issue is skin irritation.

IMO, your best bet is a full tape barrier and a skin prep such as over-the-counter Flonase (nose spray for allergies - it contains very small amounts of steroids - spray on and let dry then apply the barrier)

here is the DEX site for sensitive skin

good luck.

Hi Karen, After removing a sensor, I clean and dry my skin and then place baby oil on it. Depending on where I place the sensor it can stay irritated for a day or so. Best of luck to you.

Thank you for your input. I know it’s a catch 22 for making a tape that lasts but not irritating for some. I’m glad they are responsive to replacement. I use Medtronic devices, and they only allow 3 replacements in 90 days.

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Thanks for that suggestion. We have tried hydrocortisone cream, Vaseline and A&D…but not baby oil. I will try that next. Healing the areas to be able rotate is a problem.

My 9 year old is newly diagnosed (about 4 months ago) but we have also tried several suggestions for skin irritation from the Dexcom adhesive. Note this system is still somewhat of a trial for us, as we have used it only 3 times to date. But so far, success!

Since this is new for us, I do my best to minimize the pain of insertion by placing a quarter sized thick amount of lidoderm cream on the insertion site secured with a tagaderm for 30-60 minutes before insertion. The tagaderm pulls off easily by grabbing a corner then slowly streching it outward and away at about a 30 degree angle until it’s free from the skin. The skin is then washed. I am considering using a permanent marker to indicate the numbed area to be sure Dexcom insertion is placed in the numb spot. Perhaps this entire numbing process may be overdoing it, and possibly the need for it will fade as we get used to this diagnosis. But for now, this makes momma feel better to somehow lessen the pain of the circumstances before us, and since using this, he feels the insertion minimally or not at all.

Skin is cleaned with soap and water or nacasent iodine. No alcohol as it can deplete skin of naturally protective oils.

  1. 4x4 duoderm patch trimmed to size then applied directly to clean skin.
  2. wipe the duoderm patch with skin adhesive. Some also suggest wiping the Dexcom face with skin adhesive after the stickey layer is exposed.
  3. apply the Dexcom directly over the duoderm patch.
  4. apply more skin adhesive over the Dexcom site, finally we secure with a Dexcom patch

Also worth noting, The first two insertion trials, I folded the duoderm in half and used a paper punch to create a hole for the Dexcom insertion. Even after lining up the punched hole in the duoderm with the hole in the face of the Dexcom insertion, I realized after the removal after 10 days that the Dexcom had actually penetrated the duoderm both times and missed my punched hole. The second time, his skin had a blister where the duoderm hole left skin exposed, so I decided on insertion trial three to skip the hole punch step. We are about 5 days in without incident.

I should also note that duoderm is made for wound treatment and it is intended to stay on the skin for 7 days max. The first and second trial, about 7-8 days in we had to tape the edges down to keep the Dexcom secure, as the duoderm was no longer sealed.

We are new at this too, but if this process gets us thru the summer months of swimming and sweating, I plan to make a video to share this process with other parents.

Best of luck to you!

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Thank you for all that info! I can appreciate all the time you’ve put in to get to this point! Your prep of the site makes me think about some better options. I will try adding some prep to his skin. And will try duoderm next.


I have a swap called silhuette that leaves a “plastic” film on the skin.I use them so the dexcom sensors and infusion set will be sitting for 3 and 10 days. That could be something to try, works ell for me

Hi. I was searching the web for something and discovered these UNDERpatches for Dexcom sensors. These go between your skin and the sensor - they sell overpatches separately if you want additional protection to keep the sensor in place, although there are lots of those readily available.
I asked if testing had been done to ensure the sensor would not be blocked as you insert through the material - they replied that customers have not had problems when using it.
It appears to be a new company - so far no reviews and a few questions - but I thought I would share if anyone is interested in checking them out. You never know…