Dexcom G6 receiver question

My 6 year old son was just diagnosed with T1D. We just received his Dexcom G6 and are trying to determine what device to use as the receiver. I work full time and would like to be able to see his numbers when we are apart. I’m told there receiver is a “dead end” and doesn’t send to the cloud to share. Do we need to buy our son a phone or Apple Watch?? Any advice would be appreciated!

@aridenour225 Hi Amy and welcome to the JDRF TypeOneNation Forum! With you being new to “this diabetes thing”, I hope that you will find some good tips here to help your son on his life-long journey. Also, be sure to check the Resources and the Events tab at the top of this page - a new item was posted yesterday specifically for those newly diagnosed with T1D.

Now on to your question. The DexCom receiver isn’t a dead-end, although you are correct in stating that “Share” and “Follow” apps need another device. On the DexCom web-site, you can find compatibility lists that will help you monitor your son from afar. Many other Members here will offer you suggestions for that - I use only my Tandem pump for monitoring my glucose levels.

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Hi Amy @aridenour225! I’m Abby, I’m 17 years old and I’ve had T1D since I was 7.
First of all, welcome to TypeOneNation–I’m so glad you found us! This is a great place to connect with people who know all the ins and outs of life with T1D.
As for your g6 question–you are correct in that the receiver cannot be used to connect to the “follow” app on secondary devices. There are a few other threads about this; I’ll link them below.