Dexcom G6 and airport security

Hi all, I’ll be flying while wearing my Dexcom sensor for the first time this week. I will also likely have Dexcom supplies as part of my carry-on.

How do you deal with going through security while wearing the sensor? Do you still go through the scanner/metal detector, or do you have to request a pat-down beforehand rather than go through? Do you send supplies through the x-ray machine?

Caitlin @CaitlinH, enjoy your holiday travels.

When you arrive at security screening, tell the first agent you see, and all agents that "examine you, that you have TypeOne Diabetes and that you are wearing medical devices and carrying medically necessary supplies and may require separate screening; announce first and don’t wait for someone to stop you and ask. Key words are in bold. These days most TSA Agents are aware.

You can get full travel information on the JDRF website and from the “Resources” Tab at the top of this page. Also, the TSA has this information on its website. The DexCom transmitter can cu worn while passing through the screening.

There’s a page on the Dexcom website that explains this (I’ll link it below). Basically, traveling with Dex is pretty straightforward–the only issue is that you shouldn’t go through the AIT scanner because it could damage the sensor. Last time I traveled internationally I just had to inform one of the TSA officers and they gave me a pat-down instead.

One more thing to be aware of - - the Dex G6 cannot go through an xray. Be sure to tell the TSA agents you have items in your carry on that can not be xrayed. They will, more than likely have you remove them from the bag and hand them to the agent to be hand inspected (IE: swabbed down)… I made sure to have them all together in one pocket of my carry on to make this process go faster.

Pam K.
T1D 54+ yrs and counting!

Also - budget extra time for the pat down - especially with holiday travel. I usually budget 1 hour extra domestic and 2 hours international (customs alone will take mire time than you can imagine). Happy travels!

This is a great question. Thank you! My son is 4, and we’ll be traveling for 2 weeks in February, which means we’ll need a few extra Dexcom’s and several Omnipod insulin pumps. Thank you. Great idea to budget extra time :ok_hand: And use key words and be straight forward

Suggest a doctor’s note saying that you have T1D with a list of supplies you typically carry. Haven’t had to produce, but not bad to have as a back-up especially if you are traveling out of country. Also, you are permitted to have juice boxes/liquids for medical reasons that are otherwise not permitted. That should be included in the doctor’s listing of supplies and you should also flag with the TSA screener. Bag any sensors that are inserted into your body, so they don’t get contaminated by touch or someone putting in a bin. Most security personnel are great with handling, but some will act like they don’t know what you are talking about so be prepared for the occasional inconvenience or being told to stand aside for “extra handling.”