Depressed...Big Time



I have to take a bit of exception to your one statement: "I've been a Diabetic for more then half my life and haven't really seen any improvements in my daily care taking...."


In fairness, when you were diagnosed, you weren’t starting out with urine testing the way I was – nor without the self-boiling tablets that were my big advantage which was how my immediate predecessors were doing things… Neither of us had to file our syringes down so the differences may seem slight, however, I will point out:


The types of insulin, the options and reliability of their action has improved markedly in your diabetic-lifetime

The size of the syringe needles has been improved

Pump therapy has taken some major strides forward and that Omnipod you are considering wasn’t even on the drawing board when you were diagnosed

Blood testing is faster, requires less blood and gives us faster results and so takes up less of our time CGMS’s are an available option which was unheard of


For those with complications the number of advancements in Kidney health, eye treatments, neuropathies and more are almost too numerous to count.


Yes, we’re still giving shots, boluses, or doing things that are life-invasive but I think things have been getting better and progress has been getting made since quite some years before my diagnoses and continuing still today.  For me, the CGMS has been an absolute life changer.


I also love the fact that with this site, the reminder that we are not alone is an easy one! 






Your response to your mom?  Perfect!