
Hello out there. I just got started on this site today. My son Justin is 6 and was diagnosed in January. He is in first grade and I work overnight. At this point my sister lives with us and she watches both Justin and my other son John. She just moved back to Oregon from the East Coast and will be wanting to get a job and her own place soon. I am trying to get Justin into a daycare outside of our family but I have not gotten any responses from daycare's who are willing to take him. Does anyone know of a facility around Milwaukie/Portland Oregon that has diabetics there? Maybe your children or someone you know goes there? Thank you for any help you can offer.

Hi Amy,

I'm not sure about in your specific location, but we do include some daycare info in our School Advisory Toolkit, which you can get by filling out this form:  You'll get a downloadable version right away.  Hope this helps.



Can a preschool (even a privately-owned one) deny a child admission because of a medical condition? So long as they have a Registered Nurse (R.N.) on site, I'd think that they could not deny him admission. You should contact your state board of education to check on the policy. 

