Cups, grams or ounces? How to correctly carb-count?

Newly diagnosed and quickly discovered that measuring vegetables and leafy greens is not an easy task!
I love salads but sometimes the measuring is by cups. Other times they measure by grams, while other times you’ve got to measure by ounces.

chopped Vs. cubes Vs. shredded (What?) - weight or volume?

Measuring gets even more difficult when you add cooked or steamed veggies (think broccoli or carrots)

ANY quick guide?

Welcome. T1D here of nearly 26 years. I eat a lot of salads, and the good news for you is that most popular salad vegetable ingredients actually have very few carbs! Leafy greens, broccoli, cucumbers, celery, etc. are practically free of carbs and thus never affect my sugar levels. Carrots have a slight amount; I may give a unit or two depending on how much I eat. In salads, it’s seldom the veg you have to worry about; but if you add dressing or croutons/tortilla chips, those will have the most carbs due to sugar and starch content. Typically, though, you can prepare salads full of leafy greens that have few to no carbs. Here is an example of broccoli; a full cup has just 6 carbs, nearly 3 of which are fiber, so only about 3.5 “net carbs”: I can microwave an entire bag of broccoli, eat it, and experience no rise in sugar.


FWIW, my diabetes tracker has options for cups, ounces, grams etc. I’ll google how to convert one measure to another if my measuring utensil doesn’t correspond to a recipe I’m using (how much is 57g of butter? Okay - 1/4 cup).

Add @tingbot said, the carbs in the salad veggies are typically minimal - it’s the add-ons such as dressings, fruits (depending on your and how much you add) and other goodies that add more.
Your nutritionist can help you with measuring guides, including estimating portion sizes when you’re out.