Continous Glucose Monitors. How accurate are they?

[quote user="Tammee"]

Also the sensor is far smaller then the MM one and it doesn't hurt him. It takes 15 minutes to calibrate vs. 30 + on the MM.  So although he has 2 things to pug around, we are really getting a lot of value in fiding out trends with the Dexi.


It does not take 30+ minutes to calibrte the MM sensor.  This is misinformtion.

I'm sorry it didn't work for you, and happy that the other one is.  This is why we have the ability to choose.  My daughter loves her sensor and hates the Dexcom.  For what it's worth, MM is coming out with a smaller sensor in the near future as well as working on some other sensors for the future.  I have found when I am helping people with their sensors that if they complain of pain it is often times because the insertion was too deep.

im not on the pump but am really interested in a CGM - i hear insurance doesnt cover this? is this true? and/or how do you go about getting a CGM? is it used in conjunction with sticking your finger? i have gastroparesis (slow digestion) and really think i could benefit by knowing what my blood sugars are on a more "continuous" basis.


When I started looking into CGM's I joined a few groups and online chats.  There has been quite a bit of discussion out there.  I hate to plug one board on another but contact me if you are interested.  That said, every case seems to be different.  One person from insurance A will say they've been trying forever and the next it goes through without a hitch.  I recommend reviewing your insurance company's policy and taking it with you to your endo when you are applying so that you know what the hot-points are for the insurance folks - often times they may be different than yours. 

All of the systems require finger sticks for calibration at varying intervals and each recommends that you not make treatment decisions without finger sticks, too.  That said, they are a little different for everyone.  I would recommend trying one or two if you have the chance.  I had read from a lot of folks that the Dexcom worked great for them and the MM was horrible.  When I tried them, I had the exact opposite reaction. I think it is just a matter of body chemistry vs. technology.

I hope this was, at least, as helpful as it was confusing!





I know my insurance covered the CGMS and all  needed was a prescription stating that I needed it...........


I researched the sensors and I know that there is one who leaves a ploymer behind after you remove the cannula..... I cant remember which one it is, but that is a little concerneing to me, ....... What if you were on a CGMS for 15 years....what effect would the polymer have in your body??????   I decided to go with the MM......

  I will be on the CGMS later this week and will let you know how it is.....


The Navigator (which is the CGM I am going to try to get on) is the one that leaves a polymer behind.  It is left in the skin.  I keep thinking of all the non-sterile things I've gotten stuck in my skin as an active younger guy and I am pretty sure that a medical grade polymer doesn't bother me, at all... All the other stuff worked its way out, eventually...

Please keep us posted on your progress, I understand there is a bit of a learning curve and that it is a VERY helpful tool!!!



[quote user="A-D"]


The Navigator (which is the CGM I am going to try to get on) is the one that leaves a polymer behind.  It is left in the skin.  I keep thinking of all the non-sterile things I've gotten stuck in my skin as an active younger guy and I am pretty sure that a medical grade polymer doesn't bother me, at all... All the other stuff worked its way out, eventually...

Please keep us posted on your progress, I understand there is a bit of a learning curve and that it is a VERY helpful tool!!!






Well, I started the MM paradigm pump today with insulin and so far things are good!   I actually went to McDonalds and had a normal BG afterwards!    I will be starting the CGMS on friday, although I have to say that with looking at the cd that comes with it, it looks like a big needle and somewhat painful..... but hey, I'd rather a little pain every fews days that having my fingers look like a pin cushion all the time!


Do anyone have any suggestions for a lotion to keep your fingers looking ok?