Constant struggle

I was diagnosed with t1 around 2 1/2 years ago at the age of 18, one week into my first year of college. I took control of my diabetes as well as I could, and so far I’ve been having really good a1c levels. When I first was diagnosed I was most upset by the thought I would have to give up foods I love, and once I learned about controlling my blood sugars with insulin and it gave me some happiness knowing I would still be able to do what I wanted as long as I was in control. Then about a year later I became gluten intolerant. Now I feel like every time I look at food I have to filter out the foods too high in sugar, then the foods with gluten, and I’m left with barely any options… And it overwhelms me with sadness. It makes me spiral into a negative mindset, and I just start focusing on the complications I dread in my future and the fact that this will never leave me.

I feel like I should talk to someone but at the same time I can’t bring myself to


Okay, talk to us - me - I am a T1 of 43 years – now have some kidney issues and can’t eliminate potassium – I am a chef - EVERYTHING has potassium!

Take it easy – go high fat/protein no low carb. It is very doable.

If you need help call me at 901-217-0406.


I have been a diabetic for 20 years and celiac for 3 years. It does suck but there are good food that are gluten free. I know when I was first diagnosed with celiac I was really upset, but as time has went by its getting easier. Sometimes its hard like traveling, eating out or eating at friends house.

I have had diabetes since I was 18 months old and been a celiac for 13 years. I have some awesome recipes if u want if ur bored of sick of the same old same old. Feel free to msg me.

Hi all I am a 52 Type 1 for the last 49 years my last A1c was 7.6 I am on the Medtronic Insulin pump for last 7 years. About 8 years ago I also found out I have RR Multiple Sclerosis. It seems I have an Insulin reaction once a month and driving my parents crazy who I now live with. I am on NovoLog Insulin. I know exercise is good for diabetes but with the MS balance is a problem. I can walk a few blocks befor I have to sit down. Any suggestions on what I should do. Both MS doctor and diabetes doctor are not much help when I ask a question about what to do.