I was just wondering how many other people on this forum are going to college for the first time next year and figured I’d start a thread. Post here the schools you have applied or are going to.
I’ve been accepted to penn state, Fairfield, NYU, Northeastern, Syracuse, Fordham, Fairfield, and Loyola MD.
I'll be going to school this fall as well, I'm kind of nervous about it because most of the schools I've applied/gotten in to are far away. the nearest one is a 12 hour drive from where I live, and all the others are on the other side of the country :P
I live in Canada, so the schools are probably unfamiliar, but the ones I applied to are the University of Victoria, (that's the closest one) Carleton University, Ryerson University, Memorial University, and Wilfrid Laurier University... Laurier is my first choice, but my mum wants me to go to UVic because it's "close" :P
Oh wow! I almost applied to Berkeley actually. Great school. It's tough to get into though. I've narrowed my choices now to two; Syracuse and Penn State. I'm actually going to PA to tour on the 20th, then I got like a week or two to make my final decision lol. Hey, I sent you a message. I don't know if your new to the site but if you scroll to the top of the page and click conversations you can talk to people.
Rehabilitation Science for undergrad, and then I'll be getting a doctorate in Physical Therapy. And Penn State isn't very far away; I went there for a couple indoor track meets this winter, and I think it only took us about 4 hours.