Children on Pumps- How can I convince him it is best?

My son just turned 4 and is supposed to start Kindergarten in Sept of 2009. We really want him to start on a pump..He was diagnosed in 2006 (20 months old). So, he is used to getting shots. What I am getting at is I need HELP..he is refusing to even try the pump. I am willing to try anything. Did anyone else have this problem?

Does anyone have a child currently in a school, that thinks pumping is easier at school versus shots???

I have a good friend whose daughter was diagnosed at about the same age as your son. Now, her doctor wouldn't even consider the pump for her until she was 6 years old. Have you discussed this with your son's doctor?

My friend's daughter was hesitant to start on the pump, too. Her mom and the doctor explained both the reality of it (maybe that's why they waited til she was 6?) and the "uniqueness" of the pump (making her "spaecial"). It worked and she's been on the pump ever since. She's 14 now and the pump is second nature to her.

Hi, my son is 7 now and we found out he was diabetic at 5. The first year we talked about pumps and he was not ready, not even a little bit. We looked at them and he liked the colors, but just not ready for another change. We let him be ready first. We did talk about it alot, but what the seller for him was.... we went ta a walk for a cure meeting, this being the first time he played with other diabetic children. He then was drawn to a kid who he thought was pretty cool. he had a pump and showed Ethan and he then saw how easy it was how much quicker his new friend was eating and then done so he could play. He looks for ways to be "like everyone else" and this gave him a closer opertunity.

My son did kindergarden on shots. The key is to find a very good support team. Spend time with the staff until you are comfortable. Shots are harder on the staff, but if they are easier on your son , I say..... he has enough hard stuff, someone else can handle a little if it makes him happy. If he truely does not want the pump, he will be o.k. during school with shots. Set in place your 504 plan so it is very clear expectations. do not allow them to lock up his supplies, and find out what is the emergency plan. School fire, bad weather kind of thing. Who will be responsible for his supplies? What will they do in the event of a diabetic emergency/ Ask them to do a drill. they practice fire and stuff like that.

I do not know that you will be able to convince him it is best. See if there is anyone in your area who is on a pump. Hopefully his age or a little older. Generally families would be very helpful to you.

My little guy is even able to eat school lunch. A good support team is what makes diabetes at school easier. That is with shots and pumps. Hope this helps. Good luck.




I am 24, I was diagnosed at 2 years old. I don't know if I had a pump option that young, but I do know that my mom tried to get me on one when I was around 10, but I didn't listen (in fact I don't even remember these conversations now). I wasn't until a friend got one that I even thought of them as an option. If you have other diabetics in the area with pumps let him play with it and see how it would work (the buttons, how to wear it, what it feels like).

It might just take him time. Best of luck!!


the thing is that the pump isn't the cure all, i am a new pumper myself and i remember when they were first widely used. i am going to tell you what your son will need to do in order to be on the pump.


  • count carbs to a tee
  • keep A1c at or below 7
  • know how to correctly use it.
  • understand that it is just a treatment not a cure.
  • it involves some math skills depending on what pump you will be going on.

if your son does not want to go on the pump then that's his choice, even if he is four years old. i for one think if he's a little older it will be better because then he can fully grasp that the buttons on the pump aren't to be messed around with. you still have to get dosages correctly, but other than that it is easier than injections, but  for a child that doesn't want it i suggest to not get one. plus these things cost a fortune.

it was hard for me to change over to the pump from shots and i did it at age 13. My first time that i tried it out i was so scared of it going in. Tell your son about emla cream you just put it one an hour before and you can't feel a thing. You doctor will give you the cream if you switch. its alot eaiser too since i'm on the pump it's made my life so much eaiser