Cheap test strips

We use the one touch ultramini and I just got my tax return. I want to stock up on test strips but fear getting screwed haha ebay scares me so does anyone have a online seller they trust where I can get A LOT of test strips at a really good price? If you buy from a seller on ebay and trust them thats fine I will trust you that they are a trusted seller.

I have been buying from I also bought some on amazon... I never had to buy test strips my whole life till recently I hate it :( I actually switched over to an old Freestyle machine cause they are cheaper than the one touch and do the same job.. if anyone knows anyplace cheaper than cheap diabetes test strips I def wanna know!

When I didn't have insurance I bought a ten or twelve dollar machine at walmart. The strips would cost me about $50 for a few  boxes at a time. Here is a link, the price has gone up a little bit over the years but not by much. Hope this helps.

Test strips do have an expiration date, so make sure the ones you are buying are not expired or close to it. (They will probably still work fine, but just something to watch out for.) Esp. if you are buying off e-bay or something.

yeah the ones I found on ebay 300 for 133 bucks expire in a little over a year but then I found another place and they have a box of 50 for 28 bucks sp those are 168 for 300 its from a place called health warehouse so I am not sure which to go with.

Although this is a diffeent response than what you were seeking, I'm suggesting this to you as an option you may want to consider. I recently switched from using the Ultramini I had as well as as a regular Ultra to the FreeStyle Lite meter. My Endo actually gave me the meter, so it did not cost anything. I did this primarily because FreeStyle has a program where you get your strips from the pharmacy and never pay more than $15.00 per refill assuming you have insurance coverage for your strips. So I get 150 strips which usually lasts me at least a month for $15.00, which to me is a reasonable cost. They also have a program for those who do not have insurance that substantially lowers your strip costs, but I don't know the amount one pays for this program. I'm told it's pretty good. The FreeStyle Lite meter has worked well, has memory storage, is small, and convenient to carry. I highly recommend it.




Happy Vegan whats the deal with that meter? in other words is it cheap because it doesnt work as good as the others or cause its not one of the mainstreem ones?

[quote user="Ron Norman"]

Although this is a diffeent response than what you were seeking, I'm suggesting this to you as an option you may want to consider. I recently switched from using the Ultramini I had as well as as a regular Ultra to the FreeStyle Lite meter. My Endo actually gave me the meter, so it did not cost anything. I did this primarily because FreeStyle has a program where you get your strips from the pharmacy and never pay more than $15.00 per refill assuming you have insurance coverage for your strips. So I get 150 strips which usually lasts me at least a month for $15.00, which to me is a reasonable cost. They also have a program for those who do not have insurance that substantially lowers your strip costs, but I don't know the amount one pays for this program. I'm told it's pretty good. The FreeStyle Lite meter has worked well, has memory storage, is small, and convenient to carry. I highly recommend it.





Thats sooooo wierd i literally just got this thing in the mail from freestyle with a card with like a group member number and stuff  talking about how they help with strips and call a representative, i saved it but im like what is this about? i used the one touch but these strips have been more affordable for me so i switched cause i had an old free meter and i dont need anything fancy

[quote user="Evamarie"]

Happy Vegan whats the deal with that meter? in other words is it cheap because it doesnt work as good as the others or cause its not one of the mainstreem ones?


Hi Evamarie

I think it is just cheap because it is a generic meter. I still have my old one in case of an emergency and it works fine and gives readings equivalent to my name brand machines.



My insurance will only cover the one touch test strips. Even at that I am paying 40 bucks a month for 200. I dont think they will the free style or I would cause 15 bucks for 150 is a much better deal. I will have to look into that.

I should have put the link below in my earlier reply, but didn't think of it. Abbot Labs makes the FreeStyle meter and test strips. their program is called "FreeStyle Promise". If you sign up they will provide you with a free meter plus a free starter of test strips. They will also work directly with your insurance company to have them cover the cost. Once everything is setup, they basically will cover the cost of your copay amount less $15.00. You do have to have a prescription from your doctor for the quantity of strips required per 30 days.

I have found them to be pretty good. I've used their meter and strips for a little over six months and they have twice called me to make sure I'm okay with using them and to offer assistance if needed as well as provide additional information. They also have diabetes educators, nurses, and dieticians on hand either on-line or by phone to assist you with your diabetic needs or questions. They will assign a personal assistant to you so you can call that person direct wheever you need assistance. This program seems to be one of the best I've encountered. They will even send you a new free battery for your meter when it begins to run down; however, the battery lasts a very long time. I've yet to repla ce mine, but it's nice to know I don't have to try and hunt one down when needed. You also get free meter upgrades if they come out with a newer model of the one you are using!






[quote user="Jessica "]

My insurance will only cover the one touch test strips. Even at that I am paying 40 bucks a month for 200. I dont think they will the free style or I would cause 15 bucks for 150 is a much better deal. I will have to look into that.




I just spent the week doing diabetes rotations at a local clinic. One Touch has a similar program to the FreeStyle Promise program (we had a brochure for it). I can't remember the website, but I'm sure if you go to a OneTouch page, you will be able to find it.

I'm sorry I don't have any more information for you. It was just something I noted in my head, but never took the time to write anything down.

You shouldn't worry about buying them on Ebay. I have used Ebay for strips before and they were perfect. Much cheaper than other stores too. Just pay attention to the expiration date.

you can also ask your endo to write a larger script. i'm on a pump, getting three months of supplies at a time, and i only pay the copay for one month. it's much easier to come up with the $70 i need for strips and insulin every three months than it was every one month. 

[quote user="ajax"]

you can also ask your endo to write a larger script. i'm on a pump, getting three months of supplies at a time, and i only pay the copay for one month. it's much easier to come up with the $70 i need for strips and insulin every three months than it was every one month. 


The original script was for more my insurance will only cover for 200 a month period. Total for 2 insulins (actually 3 we get two bottles of nph in a month) syringes strips and lancets its about 160 a month. The the lancets I am finding out we dont need monthly so about 150. If we get a rx for a 3 month supply we have to pay almost 3 months worth its a tad cheaper if you use their mail order service.