Because they're invincible?
So, I'm an idiot.
I made it a special point to have my CGM sensors (I use the Dexcom) sent to my work instead of my house, since I was told repeatedly how they are temperature sensitive. No problem, right? They got delivered, I had them at my desk all day, then took them with me when I drove home. No worries. Let's fast-forward to 24 hours later, when I'm picking up my coat from the cleaners (damn you, road slush that flies onto my coat from passing cars). I open the backseat car door to hang up my coat on the hook thing, and guess what I find? My box of sensors. Which had been sitting there. Overnight. In the 20 degree and below weather.
I'm kinda scared to use them, now, but I don't really have a choice. They're too expensive to just say "Meh" and throw out. I also can't order new ones yet, as insurance only covers one month at a time.
Has anyone else done this? Did cold temperatures seem to affect readings, or did the sensors work at all?